Let's start off with a look at honoring our veterans since we have this special day set aside for them. Oh, by the way, hello my dearly beloved. Thanks for visiting again so we can share the Word together. Having a thirst for righteousness is a win, win situation. Yes, today let us honor all soldiers world wide who have lost their lives while serving their respective countries. Those who have fought against evil and for the freedom of their native lands. HERO ! We pray that they were born again from above and went on to be with their true love...Jesus Christ. We honor you and ask for God's comfort for all the loved ones you left behind. We pray that all soldiers who have been wounded would be blessed with a speedy recovery. HERO ! We honor you dear men and women wherever you happen to be in the world. We also pay tribute to all who have served and those who continue to serve. HERO ! Of course all who serve the armed forces in their respective countries are NOT heroes. Some go in with the mindset to work for a paycheck with no inner retrospection that they are serving their countries. Some even use the armed forces for their own personal welfare state...putting in a few years so they can thrive off the benefits if they can manipulate the system. I have every right to say such things because I myself am a disabled veteran. If you have followed the news lately then you have discovered (in horror with the rest of us) that some who took the oath to serve their respective countries are actually the very evil enemy we are fighting against. You are no hero...in fact you are a big fat ZERO !!
Would you allow me to name a few more groups of people whom I declare as heroes? Thanks and God bless. To me, I see the class of elderly people wherever they are in the world worthy of honor. HERO ! Just think about your surroundings. Think of the roads, buildings, shopping centers etc. Do you think they just supernaturally appeared? No my dear friend. The older woman who sits by you on the bus; the retired gentleman who waits in line with you at the store; your grandmother and grandfather and all senior citizens around the world helped build the great societies of the world. Some countries do hold their older persons in high esteem, but to our shame the U.S.A. is not one of them. In fact, our president (and many of his evil colleagues) actually feels that health care money spent on the elderly is a waste. Big fat ZERO !
I can think of a few more groups who deserve honor. How about you? Teachers surely work very hard to teach our children (even doing things for the little ones which the parents should be doing) with little pay. HERO ! One quick side note please. Surely we cannot lump everyone who fall into these groups as heroes. There is evil grouped in with us all. So, back to our groupings of people who should be honored. How about the intercessors of the world? Those who kneel before the throne of God day and night....praying, praying and praying. HERO! Let's remember the nurse; the rescue worker; the legislator who continues to stand for good amongst his co-workers; Glenn Beck and all radio/TV personalities who dare to bring us the truth; the single mom who works two jobs; the teenager who refuses to have sexual relations before marriage; and godly parents. HEROES ! As you can see, the list could go on forever.
If you watch much TV (I don't) then you can see that the world honors the most craziest things. They honor people who have wealth, fame and power. They honor the prized athlete, the famed rapper whose lyrics are about violence and drugs and they honor government representatives who embrace the blood shed of innocent babies. The sad part is that we continue to elect them into office. Shame on us. In God's Word we find the following: "Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor." (Romans 13:7) So, how do we know who to honor? If good resides inside you then your spirit will let you know. Who does God say to honor? I would rather be on His side in this matter, wouldn't you?
How does God define hero? How does He define a true servant? From what the Word says we can safely define hero into two categories. One who lays their life down (their own desires etc.) for the betterment of someone else. The other hero would be that person who humbles themselves under the mighty hand of God in complete obedience. How can we not first turn to our best example of God's hero and champion...none other then Jesus. Turn to Matthew 20:26-28. Here Jesus says, "Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave--just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many." HERO ! God considers a person who humbles him or her self as a servant...great. I am sure He is talking about a kindness done to another with a pure heart of love and compassion.
God also defines someone great as one who is obedient to Him. Let's look at I Peter 5:6. It says, "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time." HERO ! How about John 12:26? Jesus says, "Whoever serves Me must follow Me; and where I am, My servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves Me." HERO ! Did you know that God's Living Word even gives us a list of men and women He thinks are heroes? Feel free to read Hebrews chapter 11 sometime. The section is called "heroes of faith." Some real cool cats such as Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses and a host of others. They believed and obeyed God...all HEROES !
OK, one more verse for the road. Turn if you would to John 15:13. "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." HERO ! Jesus was talking about two things here. Of course the first was denoting Himself laying down His life for us all. The second example of laying down one's life is for us all. It means that I put away my selfishness and pride. It means that I esteem others more than myself and actually show it by taking my time, talents and provision to help others who are in need. HERO ! So, my dear brothers and sisters, are you concerned about what God thinks? Do you love righteousness and abhor evil? Are you willing to tell the truth even at your own peril? Do you forgive others who have wronged you quickly? Do you seek reconciliation with someone to keep peace..even if you did nothing wrong? Are you willing to spend your precious time helping someone who is less fortunate than you? Then you are my HERO!
And P.S. Instead of honoring those who deserve honor only once a year, let's pay tribute, serve and obey every day. In our hearts every day is Christmas. In our hearts every day is Easter. In our hearts every day is the day in which we should respect and honor those who are deserving.
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