My most beloved sisters and brothers. Let me be the first to say, "May God Himself visit with you and bless you with the most awesome THANKSGIVING ever !" On that note let us go right to the throne room of God with our thoughts of love and adoration. Wonderful Father, we thank You today, and every day, for Your love poured out for us on Calvary. Thank You for Your Word. Thank You for the gift of eternal life and the Holy Spirit. Thank You that You are in control. Thank You Glorious Jesus that You are coming back for us. Thank You Almighty God for Your mercy, grace, healing, protection and provision. We stand in amazement of Your wondrous works displayed all around us. Because of You we have hope, joy and peace in the midst of the storm. Thank You for our families and friends. Oh that You would raise up Jesus before all men of the earth. That You would draw all men unto Yourself that none would perish. We worship You. We love You. We want You. Maranatha.......AMEN.
Jesus says that He stands at the door and knocks.(Revelation 3:20) He says that if we HEAR His voice and open the door then He will come in and eat with us. Jesus is always knocking and desiring sweet fellowship with His beloved. But another visitor is at the door too. His name is satan. Also known as lucifer and the devil. Notice that I never capitalize his name because with me he doesn't deserve the honor. Now when our spirit hears Jesus knock we will know it because He always brings life. It is more tricky with that slippery devil. In most cases, he makes his voice and ideas as close to what sounds good as he can. The devil always has a counterfeit of what God has. He is wicked, which means twisted. His thoughts, formula and plans are just a hair off of what Truth is. God says that His sheep know His voice. If we choose to listen to the devil's trickery then it is our choice. No where is this more noticeable then the holidays our country celebrate. I am sure that all countries have tradition and holidays, but for now please allow me to discuss those of the U.S.A.
Thanksgiving. The title itself gives away what this day has been set aside for. Now, I am not completely down on the holidays, just partially. The partial part being those things which are distorted and just not true. I am in favor of the parts which bring family and friends together in the spirit of love and joy. Come Jesus and dine. And as followers of Christ, shouldn't we be thankful every day of the year? Think about it would you. Wouldn't you expect that lovers of God Almighty, would have something to be thankful for every moment of every moment? Can't think of anything? Then just stick with what you surely know to be good. Such as: God loves me and allowed His only Son, Jesus, to take my place on the cross (suffering God's penalty for my sin) and even to go to hell so I wouldn't have to. Come Jesus and dine.
Do you find yourself bringing your heart of thanksgiving to the family table and church house only once a year? Are you excited about the extra time off you have so you can sit around with your buddies, drink beer and watch football? Do you sit down to the turkey feast and gorge yourself to the brink of sickness? Do you feel the pressure of society to go in debt on Black Friday (the big shopping day here in the States, the day after Thanksgiving) so you won't offend someone? Do you witness to someone one moment that you are a Christian and the very next moment you are fighting, cussing and shoving to get the prized gift on sale? Then possibly the invitation will read: Come satan, pull up a chair.
Concerning Christmas. Wouldn't it also be possible (and probably mandatory if you are a Christian) to hold the wonderful thought of the birth of King Jesus in your heart at all times instead of just once a year? Come Jesus and dine. And isn't it your heart's desire to be ready to give to someone at all times and not just on this most holy of days? To have a heart which is always on the ready to hear about someone elses needs and fulfill them. Is this you my dearly beloved? Then, come Jesus and dine. Do you find yourselves teaching your dear children the miracle of the birth of Jesus, but then encouraging them to open their presents from santa? What is that I hear? Oh yeah, come satan, pull up a chair.
At Easter time do you enjoy and eagerly anticipate the sunrise service at church? That special time when you gather with your brothers and sisters to reflect on Christ in you, the hope of glory? In fact, do you hold that special miracle in your heart year round? Then come Jesus and dine. Oh the shame, the most terrible shame of those who have listened to the devils lies about this most glorious holiday. I am almost fearful of saying what is on my mind because (just like santa) those deceived will say, "What harm is there? It's all about the children." The sickening shame of which I speak is this: do you arise on Easter Sunday, put on your most striking outfit and enjoy what the easter bunny has brought before going to the house of the Lord to sing His praises? Come satan, pull up a chair.
Which guest have you brought to your table this holiday season? It's bad enough that we sit idly by while the courts take away everything which pertain to Jesus and Almighty God. Most of these things we have no say in. But we do have a say about which guest we carry in our heart. Not only on the special days, but year round. Would you make a choice with me my dear ones? Together let's us choose to say with great joy, faith and anticipation.....COME JESUS AND DINE !!
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