Prophetic words and utterances are to cause men to see God more clearly. They should cause us to thirst for Him and to magnify Him. They should urge us to, first and foremost, evaluate our own spiritual condition. I pray that the following scriptures and prophetic utterances do just that.
Before Jesus comes back for His Bride, there will be a great falling away. Men and women will stop seeking His face. They will place all their attention on their works instead of the God of the works. Their Love will grow cold. Their faith will fail because faith works by love. A great number will walk in the fear of man instead of the fear of the Lord. These people will continually worry about what man thinks. They will seek after material things instead of storing up in heaven spiritual fruit which will last. They will deny the power of God, which they once walked in, by becoming religious. Always worrying about the outside of the cup instead of what's inside. Continually anxious about their presentation to the world instead of their presentation to the Father. Many people will cling to what man has taught them, even at the expense of losing their own souls. Many so called followers of Christ Jesus, are not anxiously awaiting His Appearing. All of these conditions rob us of the anointing and power of God. This is the anti-christ spirit which has continued to operate in the earth since the very beginning. The devil is after the anointing (power of God). Christ means, "The anointed One and His anointing." Just like in the days our precious Lord walked the earth, we have come to the place where many in the Body are dead men's tombs. Hypocrites. White washed tombs on the outside but full of deadness on the inside. By now you might be saying: "Now Kennyg,.......... THEMS FIGHTING WORDS."
But what if my words are true? Do you find yourself gravitating toward any of these conditions? Are you willing to gamble with your eternity by stubbornly holding onto what you believe, at all costs? Are you willing to listen to what the Word and Holy Spirit have to say? Are you ready to let go and let God? According to Matthew 24:12, the love of a large part of the Body will grow cold. This happens because of false teachings and religious mindsets that detract from intimate relationship with Jesus. Relationship equals anointing (power), so we see that pesky anti-christ spirit again. In this condition there is self gratification, wickedness and iniquity. But all the while that person is deceived into thinking everything is OK. And why not? They go to church and read the Word. But without confidence and power (anointing) because there is no committed relationship. An attitude of staying where they are, no thirst to go higher in the things of God.
In Revelation chapter 2, John talks to the church in Ephesus. Ephesus represents the modern church of today. If we read, then we will discover that the church continues to do good but she has left her FIRST LOVE. In that state we are lukewarm. (Not committed, no intimate relationship, no power.........deceived.) "Kennyg, there you go again, meddling with whether I have a true and fruitful relationship with Jesus. Put up your dukes !"
There are countless ways a person could find themselves drifting towards this lukewarm condition. Sometimes, satan can make us believe that we have gone too long without intimate time with God and we think that we can never come back. So we have a sense of unworthiness and are lulled into believing that we should stay at a distance. Sure we may come to the point where we see ourselves and ask for forgiveness. But do we take the next step of repenting? (actually trying and expecting change...going the opposite direction.)
If you continue to read Revelation chapter 2, you will come to the passage where John says that only those who overcome will be free from this condition. And what is that condition again? It is the condition of beginning a wonderful life with Jesus and somewhere down the road you got off course. You took your eyes off of Your Savior and put it on yourself and man. You became lazy and decided to stop short of the finish line. This Christian stuff is too hard for me. It is so much easier just to look good on the outside instead of dealing with the sin on the inside. Have you ever felt that way?
GOOD NEWS ! Jesus said that we who overcome that lazy; anti-christ and deceptive spirit will enter the gates of heaven. We can't do it, but I know who will help us. The Word and the Holy Spirit. God's Word says we ARE over comers and more than conquerors. So, let's stir up the overcoming power within us and take a stand. Surely we are able to break through this deception if we but utter the words: "Jesus, please help me !"
Let's arise together in these last days and shake off the enemies lies. God died for us when we were strangers and enemies to Him. How much more so now that we have been translated into the Kingdom of His Son will he now and daily deliver us from the dominion of sin and blindness. The devil will not win. God is greater. Today and now, let's shake off this blanket and heaviness of deception. Peel back the canopy of death inducing spirits and cry with a loud voice............JESUS, MY DEAR SAVIOR AND CHAMPION.....MY SOON COMING KING.....PLEASE HELP ME, YOUR CHILD AND SERVANT,TO LIVE AGAIN !!