Monday, November 30, 2009


May God Himself heap many blessings upon you my dear brothers and sisters, for coming once again to share in the Living Bread. Oh Heavenly Father, thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done, on earth (in me; in us and in the Body) as it is in heaven. Thank You for your provision, forgiveness and love. Help us to love. Come soon Lord Jesus (Maranatha). Oh God create within us a humble heart. A heart that thirsts for righteousness. Give us a heart that joyfully expects Your Coming. A heart that longs to be with You. In Jesus name..AMEN.

Prophetic words and utterances are to cause men to see God more clearly. They should cause us to thirst for Him and to magnify Him. They should urge us to, first and foremost, evaluate our own spiritual condition. I pray that the following scriptures and prophetic utterances do just that.

Before Jesus comes back for His Bride, there will be a great falling away. Men and women will stop seeking His face. They will place all their attention on their works instead of the God of the works. Their Love will grow cold. Their faith will fail because faith works by love. A great number will walk in the fear of man instead of the fear of the Lord. These people will continually worry about what man thinks. They will seek after material things instead of storing up in heaven spiritual fruit which will last. They will deny the power of God, which they once walked in, by becoming religious. Always worrying about the outside of the cup instead of what's inside. Continually anxious about their presentation to the world instead of their presentation to the Father. Many people will cling to what man has taught them, even at the expense of losing their own souls. Many so called followers of Christ Jesus, are not anxiously awaiting His Appearing. All of these conditions rob us of the anointing and power of God. This is the anti-christ spirit which has continued to operate in the earth since the very beginning. The devil is after the anointing (power of God). Christ means, "The anointed One and His anointing." Just like in the days our precious Lord walked the earth, we have come to the place where many in the Body are dead men's tombs. Hypocrites. White washed tombs on the outside but full of deadness on the inside. By now you might be saying: "Now Kennyg,.......... THEMS FIGHTING WORDS."

But what if my words are true? Do you find yourself gravitating toward any of these conditions? Are you willing to gamble with your eternity by stubbornly holding onto what you believe, at all costs? Are you willing to listen to what the Word and Holy Spirit have to say? Are you ready to let go and let God? According to Matthew 24:12, the love of a large part of the Body will grow cold. This happens because of false teachings and religious mindsets that detract from intimate relationship with Jesus. Relationship equals anointing (power), so we see that pesky anti-christ spirit again. In this condition there is self gratification, wickedness and iniquity. But all the while that person is deceived into thinking everything is OK. And why not? They go to church and read the Word. But without confidence and power (anointing) because there is no committed relationship. An attitude of staying where they are, no thirst to go higher in the things of God.

In Revelation chapter 2, John talks to the church in Ephesus. Ephesus represents the modern church of today. If we read, then we will discover that the church continues to do good but she has left her FIRST LOVE. In that state we are lukewarm. (Not committed, no intimate relationship, no power.........deceived.) "Kennyg, there you go again, meddling with whether I have a true and fruitful relationship with Jesus. Put up your dukes !"

There are countless ways a person could find themselves drifting towards this lukewarm condition. Sometimes, satan can make us believe that we have gone too long without intimate time with God and we think that we can never come back. So we have a sense of unworthiness and are lulled into believing that we should stay at a distance. Sure we may come to the point where we see ourselves and ask for forgiveness. But do we take the next step of repenting? (actually trying and expecting change...going the opposite direction.)

If you continue to read Revelation chapter 2, you will come to the passage where John says that only those who overcome will be free from this condition. And what is that condition again? It is the condition of beginning a wonderful life with Jesus and somewhere down the road you got off course. You took your eyes off of Your Savior and put it on yourself and man. You became lazy and decided to stop short of the finish line. This Christian stuff is too hard for me. It is so much easier just to look good on the outside instead of dealing with the sin on the inside. Have you ever felt that way?

GOOD NEWS ! Jesus said that we who overcome that lazy; anti-christ and deceptive spirit will enter the gates of heaven. We can't do it, but I know who will help us. The Word and the Holy Spirit. God's Word says we ARE over comers and more than conquerors. So, let's stir up the overcoming power within us and take a stand. Surely we are able to break through this deception if we but utter the words: "Jesus, please help me !"

Let's arise together in these last days and shake off the enemies lies. God died for us when we were strangers and enemies to Him. How much more so now that we have been translated into the Kingdom of His Son will he now and daily deliver us from the dominion of sin and blindness. The devil will not win. God is greater. Today and now, let's shake off this blanket and heaviness of deception. Peel back the canopy of death inducing spirits and cry with a loud voice............JESUS, MY DEAR SAVIOR AND CHAMPION.....MY SOON COMING KING.....PLEASE HELP ME, YOUR CHILD AND SERVANT,TO LIVE AGAIN !!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


My most beloved sisters and brothers. Let me be the first to say, "May God Himself visit with you and bless you with the most awesome THANKSGIVING ever !" On that note let us go right to the throne room of God with our thoughts of love and adoration. Wonderful Father, we thank You today, and every day, for Your love poured out for us on Calvary. Thank You for Your Word. Thank You for the gift of eternal life and the Holy Spirit. Thank You that You are in control. Thank You Glorious Jesus that You are coming back for us. Thank You Almighty God for Your mercy, grace, healing, protection and provision. We stand in amazement of Your wondrous works displayed all around us. Because of You we have hope, joy and peace in the midst of the storm. Thank You for our families and friends. Oh that You would raise up Jesus before all men of the earth. That You would draw all men unto Yourself that none would perish. We worship You. We love You. We want You. Maranatha.......AMEN.

Jesus says that He stands at the door and knocks.(Revelation 3:20) He says that if we HEAR His voice and open the door then He will come in and eat with us. Jesus is always knocking and desiring sweet fellowship with His beloved. But another visitor is at the door too. His name is satan. Also known as lucifer and the devil. Notice that I never capitalize his name because with me he doesn't deserve the honor. Now when our spirit hears Jesus knock we will know it because He always brings life. It is more tricky with that slippery devil. In most cases, he makes his voice and ideas as close to what sounds good as he can. The devil always has a counterfeit of what God has. He is wicked, which means twisted. His thoughts, formula and plans are just a hair off of what Truth is. God says that His sheep know His voice. If we choose to listen to the devil's trickery then it is our choice. No where is this more noticeable then the holidays our country celebrate. I am sure that all countries have tradition and holidays, but for now please allow me to discuss those of the U.S.A.

Thanksgiving. The title itself gives away what this day has been set aside for. Now, I am not completely down on the holidays, just partially. The partial part being those things which are distorted and just not true. I am in favor of the parts which bring family and friends together in the spirit of love and joy. Come Jesus and dine. And as followers of Christ, shouldn't we be thankful every day of the year? Think about it would you. Wouldn't you expect that lovers of God Almighty, would have something to be thankful for every moment of every moment? Can't think of anything? Then just stick with what you surely know to be good. Such as: God loves me and allowed His only Son, Jesus, to take my place on the cross (suffering God's penalty for my sin) and even to go to hell so I wouldn't have to. Come Jesus and dine.

Do you find yourself bringing your heart of thanksgiving to the family table and church house only once a year? Are you excited about the extra time off you have so you can sit around with your buddies, drink beer and watch football? Do you sit down to the turkey feast and gorge yourself to the brink of sickness? Do you feel the pressure of society to go in debt on Black Friday (the big shopping day here in the States, the day after Thanksgiving) so you won't offend someone? Do you witness to someone one moment that you are a Christian and the very next moment you are fighting, cussing and shoving to get the prized gift on sale? Then possibly the invitation will read: Come satan, pull up a chair.

Concerning Christmas. Wouldn't it also be possible (and probably mandatory if you are a Christian) to hold the wonderful thought of the birth of King Jesus in your heart at all times instead of just once a year? Come Jesus and dine. And isn't it your heart's desire to be ready to give to someone at all times and not just on this most holy of days? To have a heart which is always on the ready to hear about someone elses needs and fulfill them. Is this you my dearly beloved? Then, come Jesus and dine. Do you find yourselves teaching your dear children the miracle of the birth of Jesus, but then encouraging them to open their presents from santa? What is that I hear? Oh yeah, come satan, pull up a chair.

At Easter time do you enjoy and eagerly anticipate the sunrise service at church? That special time when you gather with your brothers and sisters to reflect on Christ in you, the hope of glory? In fact, do you hold that special miracle in your heart year round? Then come Jesus and dine. Oh the shame, the most terrible shame of those who have listened to the devils lies about this most glorious holiday. I am almost fearful of saying what is on my mind because (just like santa) those deceived will say, "What harm is there? It's all about the children." The sickening shame of which I speak is this: do you arise on Easter Sunday, put on your most striking outfit and enjoy what the easter bunny has brought before going to the house of the Lord to sing His praises? Come satan, pull up a chair.

Which guest have you brought to your table this holiday season? It's bad enough that we sit idly by while the courts take away everything which pertain to Jesus and Almighty God. Most of these things we have no say in. But we do have a say about which guest we carry in our heart. Not only on the special days, but year round. Would you make a choice with me my dear ones? Together let's us choose to say with great joy, faith and anticipation.....COME JESUS AND DINE !!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


God is good, let us praise Him ! Right now seems like a good idea to go to the throne of grace. Almighty God, thank you for loving us. Holy Spirit, please flow through me the words that You want said. Use Your living Word to awaken those who slumber. Open our eyes and ears that we may see and hear what You are saying to us. Help us to love You. Jesus, our hero and champion...we adore You. In Your name we pray...AMEN. Well, let's get right to it !



"Goodbye momma, we love you !" The children sang in unison. "And I love you too, Mary, my most glorious wife from God !" John, my husband said to me. "And God bless you too." John said as he strolled out the door, on his way to drop the children off at school and then on to work. It's really great that we still have a school and employment, I thought. Most schools in the inner cities are closed because of all the rioting and chaos. The whole world seems to be in turmoil these days because of lack of employment and an economy where it seems like if you can buy a loaf of bread you feel as if you have struck gold. John believes that it is God who continues to provide for us supernaturally. And it didn't hurt to put a lot of money in savings a few months back. That in itself is helping us through these hard times. My views about such things have changed over the years, and I really don't know why. I used to be on fire for God, but now I am just content to do my church thing and be content with the provision we have regardless of where it came from.


"Today, I will veg out on this old couch with my box of doughnuts...maybe watch the View, Oprah and who knows what else." I said out loud to myself as if anyone were here to listen. Boy, things have really changed in the world over the past few months. It started with the meltdown of our economy system worldwide and the replacement of our dollar and all world currencies with what they call, "NWO" (New World Order) money. Most in the world are still having trouble with the transition and with the UN (United Nations) forming a world wide government. I kind of agree with president Bama when he explains to us the world wide peace we will enjoy soon because of all the changes. He is really helping to clean up the TV broadcasts and Internet usage. The enormous earthquake we had a few weeks back seemed to aide in this cleanup.
I still remember the violent shaking as if it were this morning. The whole world felt it. It began somewhere in Israel, but the news won't tell us what is going on over there right now. I just know that there is a big war of some sort. The quake took out a lot of stations, both in radio and TV. Bama had already stripped the TV broadcasts of Fox news and Christian stations. He said they were escalating the riots we seem to have everywhere. I just see it as people being scared because they are without jobs and money. "Thank you John for being so wise and putting some money aside!" I proclaimed to myself. Maybe I will read for a while until my shows come on.

Scene 3

"Oh my God, I can't believe this!" muttering to myself. "I have slept through Oprah and my other programs." Boy, its cold in here. And why are all the dogs howling outside? Are those car alarms I hear? Gee, only another hour before the kids get home and I haven't even prepared supper. I am so cold ! I guess that I can turn the boob tube on while I am preparing dinner. "What the heck !" I proclaimed. The president is on, but what is that sign on the podium? It says, "World Emperor Bama." "I guess he got a promotion." Laughing out loud. That dog howling is driving me crazy. Where is my sweater?



Another world crisis I see. Let me turn this up...."My fellow citizens of the New World." Emperor Bama begins. "Please do not be alarmed ! Seemingly millions around the world have vanished. I promise you that the situation is under control. This vanishing trick is just another way for the radicals to push their agenda. The NWO police are making progress in finding their hiding places. We will not bow to the radicals demands because of some parlor trick. Again, let me reiterate...we will not bow. This administration, and now as you can see, the NWO, will bring peace to us all. We have brought about many restrictions aimed at curbing the agenda's of so called "freedom fighters" in the past few months. Now, armed with more might; intelligence and freedom from restraint, we at the NWO will stop these radicals once and for all. Rest assured, peace will be brought to us on a global scale soon and at all cost. Beginning now, you will be seeing the NWO police going door to door. Not only will they be looking for the tricksters who have seemingly vanished, but by my instructions they will assign everyone in the world a number. To ensure everyone is of one mind and one accord in the pursuit of world peace, we will mandate that everyone make a pledge to this administration which will be recorded. Anyone failing to answer all questions truthfully asked by the NWO will be incarcerated. All people's who resist to take the pledge will be incarcerated. For the good of all mankind, I urge all NWO citizens to follow all , now and future, directives given by myself or the NWO police who are representing me. Thank you for your time."


"What the heck is going on ?" I managed to get out between my sobbing. I will call mother, she will know what to do. If those dogs don't stop howling I will go insane. Where is my blanket? All the lines are busy. That's just great. I can't even e-mail anyone because we have a block on our computer and it can only be used two hours during the evening and even then it is monitored by the NWO police. My gosh, they are everywhere. One reason for the block is because the administration has deemed John a potential radical because he goes to church and even teaches from time to time. I think his teaching about homosexuality being a sin landed us in hot water. I told him not to talk about stuff like that. "John, where are you...oh baby, I need you. I feel so alone." John and the kids should have been home by now. Are they part of this so called radical underground movement Bama just talked about? How could he do this to me? "Oh God, make the dogs and sirens stop." I exclaimed. "Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left." "Who is that?" I asked. That's just weird because I am all alone. If I remember correctly, that quote came from the Bible. Now, where did I put that thing?


And there it is. Matthew 24:40. "Oh MY God...Oh My God.........this is talking about Jesus coming back. OH MY GOD, WHAT HAVE I DONE, Oh God, Oh God." "Oh Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. Have mercy on me. Please, please, please have mercy on me." Narrator: " Mary continues to sob as the reality of what has happened hits her. Actually, shock is the better word."

ACT 3 (and final act)


"How oh how could this have happened? What an idiot I have become." Once I was one with the Lord and then seemingly overnight my interest and faith began to drift. I knew better. I should have listened to John and so many others who tried to warn me that my love for Jesus had grown cold. I didn't want to hear it because being taken care of with no worries in the world was a better place for me. Besides, in the back of my mind, I always thought that I could come back to God whenever I wanted. "Mary, what an idiot. How could you have been so selfish and blind?" I screamed at the top of my lungs. It is so cold in here. And why can't I feel the presence of the Lord Jesus any more? "Dogs...SHUT UP !" I yelled. Yeah, I almost forgot. John had put an old CB radio down in the basement for emergencies. I believe that being LEFT BEHIND surely counts as an emergency.


Now what was my CB handle? Who cares, we are talking about the end of the world here. "Hello, is anyone out there?" Anyone, please help me !" I somehow managed to say through my sobs. "Is that you, Mary?" A voice said. "Yes, yes this is Mary." I said. "This is John's cousin, Mark." A familiar voice said. "Oh Mark, I am all alone and I think that John and the children aren't coming home. I think that Jesus has come and I have been left behind. I don't know what to do. Oh God please help me, anyone, please help !" I pleaded. "Mary, this is Mark, what you said is true. There are already hundreds and hundreds who I have heard with the same story. Some in the local area have made plans to meet before the NWO come knocking on our door. Do you remember the old barn where you cared for horses as a kid?" Mark said rapidly. "Why yes. Mark, what did you mean the NWO is coming? Do you mean the police. Am I in trouble. What shall I do, I am so scared." I fearfully sputtered through the microphone.


"OK, listen to me real carefully Mary. And if we get cut off, then meet us at the old barn as soon as you can. Only bring a change of clothes and your Bible. We will be traveling light. Go on foot. The NWO are everywhere, and they are going door to door. One other thing before we have to end this, Go get your bible as soon as we finish. Look up Matthew 24:13 and Revelation 13:16,17. By the way, by no means be there when the NWO show up, and please do not take the pledge to Bama or the I.D. he wants to plant on you. Oh please Mary, don't." Mark pleaded. "Oh Mark, I have so many question, Mark, Mark?" I yelled in desperation, knowing that our talk had ended. OK, what were those verses again? Here they are. Matthew says, "and those who endure til the end shall be saved." Well, that's just great. I could have endured some humility, taken my mind off my self and been out of here on the first boat load. Now, I will have to endure all the terrible plagues coming upon the earth during the last half of the seven year tribulation. How long can I run from the NWO before they catch me? Almost forgot. Revelation 13:16,17 says, "He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name." Oh that I would have stayed close to the Lord, Jesus. It wasn't that hard, why couldn't I do it? "Mary, you lazy, selfish, prideful person...look what you have done !" I raged. Oh how I miss John and kids. KNOCK..KNOCK...KNOCK Oh God, I see blue helmets through the window. Narrator: "Mary barely escapes before the door is broken down."


Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I am not familiar with all the holidays other parts of the world celebrate when that once a year time arrives. I say once a year because that is one of my pet peeves which I will address at closing. As a citizen of America, I must first say: " HAPPY VETERAN'S DAY!" As far as I know, this is an exclusive American holiday. Please allow me to share with you my personal outlook about this special day. Now, some of you here in the good ole U.S. of A. might be offended by my insight, so we better start off with some prayer to Almighty God. Wonderful Jesus, we bow before You our glorious King. Through Your eyes let us see and explore the true meaning of heroes and servants. Holy Spirit, come to our rescue. Help us to be that hero each and every day. Every single one of us can be that special someone who gains Your attention and the attention of the world. We want to. You want us to. So be it unto us oh precious Savior whom we adore. In the name of King Jesus we pray...AMEN.

Let's start off with a look at honoring our veterans since we have this special day set aside for them. Oh, by the way, hello my dearly beloved. Thanks for visiting again so we can share the Word together. Having a thirst for righteousness is a win, win situation. Yes, today let us honor all soldiers world wide who have lost their lives while serving their respective countries. Those who have fought against evil and for the freedom of their native lands. HERO ! We pray that they were born again from above and went on to be with their true love...Jesus Christ. We honor you and ask for God's comfort for all the loved ones you left behind. We pray that all soldiers who have been wounded would be blessed with a speedy recovery. HERO ! We honor you dear men and women wherever you happen to be in the world. We also pay tribute to all who have served and those who continue to serve. HERO ! Of course all who serve the armed forces in their respective countries are NOT heroes. Some go in with the mindset to work for a paycheck with no inner retrospection that they are serving their countries. Some even use the armed forces for their own personal welfare state...putting in a few years so they can thrive off the benefits if they can manipulate the system. I have every right to say such things because I myself am a disabled veteran. If you have followed the news lately then you have discovered (in horror with the rest of us) that some who took the oath to serve their respective countries are actually the very evil enemy we are fighting against. You are no fact you are a big fat ZERO !!

Would you allow me to name a few more groups of people whom I declare as heroes? Thanks and God bless. To me, I see the class of elderly people wherever they are in the world worthy of honor. HERO ! Just think about your surroundings. Think of the roads, buildings, shopping centers etc. Do you think they just supernaturally appeared? No my dear friend. The older woman who sits by you on the bus; the retired gentleman who waits in line with you at the store; your grandmother and grandfather and all senior citizens around the world helped build the great societies of the world. Some countries do hold their older persons in high esteem, but to our shame the U.S.A. is not one of them. In fact, our president (and many of his evil colleagues) actually feels that health care money spent on the elderly is a waste. Big fat ZERO !

I can think of a few more groups who deserve honor. How about you? Teachers surely work very hard to teach our children (even doing things for the little ones which the parents should be doing) with little pay. HERO ! One quick side note please. Surely we cannot lump everyone who fall into these groups as heroes. There is evil grouped in with us all. So, back to our groupings of people who should be honored. How about the intercessors of the world? Those who kneel before the throne of God day and night....praying, praying and praying. HERO! Let's remember the nurse; the rescue worker; the legislator who continues to stand for good amongst his co-workers; Glenn Beck and all radio/TV personalities who dare to bring us the truth; the single mom who works two jobs; the teenager who refuses to have sexual relations before marriage; and godly parents. HEROES ! As you can see, the list could go on forever.

If you watch much TV (I don't) then you can see that the world honors the most craziest things. They honor people who have wealth, fame and power. They honor the prized athlete, the famed rapper whose lyrics are about violence and drugs and they honor government representatives who embrace the blood shed of innocent babies. The sad part is that we continue to elect them into office. Shame on us. In God's Word we find the following: "Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor." (Romans 13:7) So, how do we know who to honor? If good resides inside you then your spirit will let you know. Who does God say to honor? I would rather be on His side in this matter, wouldn't you?

How does God define hero? How does He define a true servant? From what the Word says we can safely define hero into two categories. One who lays their life down (their own desires etc.) for the betterment of someone else. The other hero would be that person who humbles themselves under the mighty hand of God in complete obedience. How can we not first turn to our best example of God's hero and champion...none other then Jesus. Turn to Matthew 20:26-28. Here Jesus says, "Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave--just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many." HERO ! God considers a person who humbles him or her self as a servant...great. I am sure He is talking about a kindness done to another with a pure heart of love and compassion.

God also defines someone great as one who is obedient to Him. Let's look at I Peter 5:6. It says, "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time." HERO ! How about John 12:26? Jesus says, "Whoever serves Me must follow Me; and where I am, My servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves Me." HERO ! Did you know that God's Living Word even gives us a list of men and women He thinks are heroes? Feel free to read Hebrews chapter 11 sometime. The section is called "heroes of faith." Some real cool cats such as Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses and a host of others. They believed and obeyed God...all HEROES !

OK, one more verse for the road. Turn if you would to John 15:13. "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." HERO ! Jesus was talking about two things here. Of course the first was denoting Himself laying down His life for us all. The second example of laying down one's life is for us all. It means that I put away my selfishness and pride. It means that I esteem others more than myself and actually show it by taking my time, talents and provision to help others who are in need. HERO ! So, my dear brothers and sisters, are you concerned about what God thinks? Do you love righteousness and abhor evil? Are you willing to tell the truth even at your own peril? Do you forgive others who have wronged you quickly? Do you seek reconciliation with someone to keep peace..even if you did nothing wrong? Are you willing to spend your precious time helping someone who is less fortunate than you? Then you are my HERO!
And P.S. Instead of honoring those who deserve honor only once a year, let's pay tribute, serve and obey every day. In our hearts every day is Christmas. In our hearts every day is Easter. In our hearts every day is the day in which we should respect and honor those who are deserving.