Hi there my fellow brothers and sisters. Let's start off by a few words for the times in which we live. Please pray for the nation of Israel. Her peace and safety. Soon, most of the Middle East will be coming against her. Pray for her enemies also. Keep your eyes on Russia, China and Iran. These are key players in what is about to happen. The leaders of these countries are not trustworthy. For that matter, neither is the leader of the U.S.A. But please continue to pray for whatever leader God has put over you. The stage is more set than ever before to bring about the prophecies God has already spoken. Things will get very chaotic...real quick. God is in control. Continue to have faith, love and pray often. God's children will come out of all of this without even the smell of smoke. And then on to our eternal home. Praise You King Jesus.
Let's begin in prayer per our custom. Well, not custom but desire. Gracious Father, please have mercy on our souls. Wash us with the blood of Your Son, Jesus. Make us whole and complete. Make our hearts perfect towards You. Teach us Your ways for they are perfect. Give us hope and joy in this perverse generation. Help us to spend time getting to know You because You are worthy and glorious. You are beautiful and just. You are kind and merciful. You are wise and strong. We praise You !! In Jesus name....AMEN.
There are surely many out there who, like me, find themselves friendless and all alone. Sure my most precious wife sent from God has become a friend to me in the most pure sense of the word. Of course my parents would give their own life for me. Yes, I guess even my ole hound dog considers herself my friend. As I struggle to become what God intends for me to become...I have to ponder such things. Why? Because I truly believe God wants us to have friends of our own gender. Like the disciples who went out two by two, we also need that special mentor, guide and encourager. Yet, I sit all alone. My heart yearning, bleeding and crying out for that special friend to help me along my journey. Sure, God made me His friend when His life was laid down for me at Calvary. But in this world of humanoids it's hard to have complete fulfillment with the invisible only. For me anyway. Just trying to be honest here folks. After 50 plus years of waiting I conclude this is a God thing.
Why would God deprive me of the man-friend I have longed for? His wisdom and mercy surely surpasses mine, but the Holy Spirit has revealed a portion of the answer. Like Paul, God has locked me away...hidden me...imprisoned me for seasons during my life thus far. I guess the longest was for 15 years. We all encounter that seclusion at times. During those times, after we embrace the prison, our souls grow and grow under this jealous God with whom we have to deal with. Much is learned. Much fruit abound. Shackles are removed. A butterfly emerges. A new creation becomes more visible. If we let patience have her perfect work. Consider Joseph. During his imprisonment much of God's glory was produced.
Locked away again pondering the incompleteness I feel. This time my impatience has almost gotten the best of me. But God is very patient and kind. Thank You Jesus. This time seems a bit harder. Disabilities and pain rack my body. Sleepless nights create tension that are mountains in themselves....especially to others. Being understood by others is hidden within a fog bank only to disappear completely at times. On top of this valley experience I have also piled the deep desire to be that holy man of God. That one who hears the Father call and my response is quick and obedient. A thing we all desire. But oh man-friend, encourager and mentor where are you? Who will deliver me from this torment? But God will. And He is.
Isn't it cool how the Father carefully watches over and orchestrates our life so we can come to that place of oneness with Him? How great is His love and adoration for us. His divine friendship spelled out in the sacrifice of His only Son, Jesus. Didn't He say that a true friend is one who lays down his life for his brother? To me that means dying to ones self. For God and man. So, I am God's friend. But, how does that help me in walking this life out now...before I hear the trumpet sound? We are all unique and our struggles seem isolated within ourselves...but we learn from one another. That is why I write and herald such things. That's who I am.
GOD SPOKE. Isn't it cool that we can hear Him? In this part of my life journey He has finally called out through the fog. Like the first ray of sun shining through the forest canopy as a new day emerges, He has shone hope in my heart. He always does. Sometimes quickly, sometimes as slow as pulling your boot out of a pit of miry red clay. He said, "Kenneth, I want to be your friend. Let's start there first." Then He showed me Abraham. The Bible teaches us that Abraham was called God's friend. It was a two way street. God can declare Abraham His friend. But how did Abraham reciprocate friendship with the invisible God who created all things...seen and unseen?
Let's go back to God's command for Abraham to sacrifice his only beloved son, Issac. Abraham actually considered such a thing. Can you imagine that? I would need a couple hundred angel visitations before even giving it thought. And as the knife was in mid air prepared to plummet the heart of Issac a unique thing occurred. We all know the story of how the angel spoke and the knife was stayed. But how often do we ponder God's words at that point? Genesis 22:12 says "now I know you fear Me." It seems as if friendship with God, walking in the Fear of the Lord and being totally surrendered to the Lord are all tied to obedience. Jesus said in John 15:14 that , "you are my friends if you do what I command." We all know such things by now and our flesh continues to war but we must become serious and focused on this most amazing truth as the Day Star is being formed in our hearts.
We MUST....our very salvation seems to hinge on our covenant decision to give up and become one with God. To make Him our friend. Why do we have such a hard time with such a COMMAND? Laziness. The cares of the world. Unbelief to name a few. We are all struggling to enter the Rest of God. We all want to hear, " well done thy good and faithful servant." And I join you in this great prize we all wish to obtain. So, don't give up. Keep pressing. God is faithful. He surely is.
As far as the male-friend I thirst for. I guess for now I wait. But as I do, I will continue my journey on bended knees and outstretched hands. Ever repenting. Ever humble. Ever hopeful. Hoping that as I continue to spend time getting to know my God and Daddy...I will make Him my friend. As I continue to lay my life down for Him and others.
P.S. As I gazed skyward this evening at the millions of stars, recognizing the sheer magnitude of them as suns giving life to countless other solar systems and galaxies. As I stood in awe of this most beautiful adornment I questioned God. "Why oh why are you so interested in me a mere speck in the vast scheme of all things wonderful?" He answered me and it was overwhelming. He said, " I decorated this canopy of blackness for your enjoyment because I love you. " "But why?" I screamed. The answer came back in a most surprising, most beautiful, quiet voice...."I want to be loved too."
Holding back tears I almost got it for a moment. To love is to die to self. To die is to live. For Him and others. I guess Jesus was right all along. To lose my life is gain. (salvation) In another place He said that if we love God we will be obedient. So, true Agape (the God kind of love) is getting my mind off of me and putting it on God (my new friend) and others. I guess it's not about me after all.
In closing please ponder Matthew 22: 37-40. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
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