Dear Beloved,
How have things been going with you? We have been doing pretty good. Still struggling every day to stay in the Rest of God. The following message was one which I (really the Holy Spirit) wrote in April of 2004. Please enjoy..the Word of God is alive and never goes stale. Let us pray, Dear Daddy God, I know that You don't mind if we call You Daddy. Sure we recognize You as Almighty God but sometimes You desire that we just crawl up on Daddy's lap and hang out. This is one of those times. Right now we just want to smell You, to touch You and feel Your most glorious arms around us. Thank You for loving us. We love You too. In our King's name we pray, the name of Jesus...AMEN.
"Hey Adam and are the best of all I have created. My dear family. I love you so much. Thank you for loving Me too...spirit to Spirit...heart to Heart. I put a demand before you because I desire your willing love for me. Your obedience. Thank you for trusting me. For believing the commandment I had set forth was good because I am Good. That means a lot to me.
But oh my loved ones, you took your eyes off of my face and saw something more forgot what I looked like. I am God and nothing should be more appealing. Because of your sin I cannot fellowship with you again with great intimacy. My heart is broken. But another Adam is coming and He will bring many more like Him. I am excited about that have a family again. But, before that Day...before that set time I will continue to search for others who will love me.
Hey Abraham....I sure enjoyed our heart to heart talks. You showed me that I was God through your faith and obedience. Because of that I promised to bless all the nations of the earth through you...and I will. I will make covenant with you and through you I will raise up a people who I will call my own. Maybe they will love me like you.
Oh my precious Children of Israel. Why weren't my great blessings and miracles enough for you? Why couldn't you be like Moses and dare to draw near to me? You love yourself more...afraid that the closeness I wanted would bring out your flesh. The very flesh I desired to kill. And you were right.
I am God of Intimacy, but I am also Holy. yet I still desired to bless you if you chose obedience. I burdened you down with many rules and laws to show you that you can't be perfect or holy through the external. I knew that, but at least you had Me in your face. The law showed that your sin was ever before you. You don't see it now, but I have a wonderful way to bring you to Me by simply believing like a little child. My miracles couldn't make you love Me. Your rituals and outward observances couldn't make you love Me. But, maybe if I came down and took care of the sin problem through my Own Son's death you would see then that I am God of Intimacy. I will even write my law in your heart. I hope you recognize Me.
David, my great beloved who worshipped and adored Me like no other. Thank you for your great love for Me. Thank you for daring to repent and walk in humility. You found My heart of mercy and you longed for Me. You ran hard after Me like no other. You found Me...God of Intimacy.
Oh My beloved Son. Jesus....My sinless One...My faithful One...My courageous One.....MY last Adam...Savior of the world. I am so sorry that many of my chosen ones did not recognize You. That's OK. I have made all people of the earth my chosen ones if they believe. If what You did in obedience to Me doesn't get the message out that I am Love, God of Intimacy, then nothing else remains. Sit here beside Me and watch the Glories to come. I promised You a beautiful bride who would trust, obey and worship me because they love Me. The bride seems small now...soon she will be magnificent and glorious. If they hear Me and do what I require then suddenly (as overnight) the world will behold our Glory. The time has come.
Oh Bride of My beloved and darling Son. I showed you over the span of 6000 years that you cannot get my attention but by repentance, trust and obedience. This is the only formula that will bring you close to My Face. A Face that thirsts for intimacy. You have gone through the doorway of My that you have Me, will you not make Me truly God? The God that demands obedience. NOT good intentions.
I have release the spirit of Elijah into the world once again (Malachi 4:5,6). Will you heed My voice? This is the final moment of preparation. You are in the brides ready room. REPENT....REPENT...REPENT, the kingdom of God is at hand. Awaken out of your slumber of comfort. I Am here...I AM AT THE DOOR !! Prepare yourselves for the Great Day is upon you. Choose to do right....REPENT...REPENT...REPENT !! Stand firm as the Holy Spirit strips you of all flesh that desires glory. It is for your good. I am God of Intimacy.
At the present time there is a small remnant who is more prepared than most. Small parts in every neighborhood, work place, city, state and nation. A remnant who can't get enough of me. But deep inside, you are unsatisfied. You so desire to be quick to be obedient. Like Paul, you keep doing the things you don't want to do. Remember? His answer to continual war in his fleshly members was...Me. He didn't mention it again either. Why? Because he appropriated the grace to walk in the Fear of the Lord. (Hebrews 12:28)
That same grace is available to you NOW. The grace to put action with your will to surrender all. and inquire it as a vital necessity because it is. You have been faithful over little. You are now to be rulers over much. But first you must be baptised with fire. Press...embrace it ! Remember, I am God of Intimacy. You are Mine ! I will take you through.
Repent you ones who have added to and complicated my message. You burden the people with laws, rules, traditions of men and worship of idols. I want my people free !! You have stolen their intimacy with Me because they have been deceived into believing that outward observance brings holiness and gets my attention. My Son is the only door to Me. The Blood, obedience to the water of the Word and the grace of the Holy Spirit bring holiness. REPENT....REPENT...REPENT !! You sorely grieve Me. You have become worshippers of religion. I shall have no other gods before Me. You have put on the wrong wedding garment. You have clothed yourselves with your own filthy righteousness. Unless you turn and come to Me like a little child you will be like my Chosen Ones, Israel. I will come and you will not recognize Me. I am God of Intimacy...but I am also God of vengeance.
My dear empty ones. I see the large beautiful buildings....full of thousands. I see the worldwide evangelism. I see the beautiful worship. I see My gifts in operation. I see the many ministries. I see your busyness in My Name. To you I cry out REPENT with even a louder voice. You think you are full but you are empty because I have been forgotten. All your activity is in My Name, but when I come into the congregation to embrace are too busy. You move to the next thing on your schedule. When is the last time you thought about repentance and obedience? Your fear of man, your schedules and busyness in My Name, your plans and formulas and your hidden motives of covetousness have made you luke warm. REPENT....REPENT...REPENT!! Is it about Me or your own agenda of comfort? I will allow no flesh to glory. None. Turn to Me because I long to hold you again. I am God of Intimacy.
Oh my lost sheep. How has the devil deceived you? I promised that the work I began I will complete. You are Mine. Am I not capable of taking care of what is Mine? Your minds have become feeble...looking at the sin instead of the sin solution. You have gone astray. Empty: self condemned: lacking peace, joy and hope. Did I pour out the blood of My Son in vain? Forget the past. Stop looking at your failures and weaknesses. Pick yourself up and continue to race for My Face. Be courageous...look at Me...see only Me...meditate on Me. I have not left. I died for have great worth. The devil has blinded your eyes and hardened your heart. STOP IT !! Repent. Once again receive the joy that comes from My mercy of forgiveness. Return to your first Love. I am God of intimacy.
To all peoples of the earth: I have set a doorway before you that leads to eternal life. That leads to mercy. That leads to forgiveness. That leads to joy, peace and hope. A doorway that leads to Me. There is only one door. That door is My Son, Jesus. His death and resurrection revealed My great love. Calvary revealed my determined purpose to buy back what sin had stolen from Me...My family. You are My beloved above all creation. I allowed My Son to take your sin. He paid the penalty in full. Death and separation from Me for all eternity was the penalty. Can you imagine what eternity would be like without Me? A place of gross darkness. An eternity without love, joy and peace. Constant agony and torment in your mind. Utter confusion....continual frustration...constant regret. FOREVER !! Can you imagine? Jesus was cursed for you. Jesus was tormented and beaten for you...beyond recognition.
Jesus died for you. He even rose again so you would have hope in life after death. That same Holy Spirit will also help yo have a resurrected Life...if you only believe. But please remember that the devil believes. I will give you both the grace and desire to do what is right. I will enable you to walk as a new creature. You will have a life full of destiny and purpose. A life full of joy and hope. A life with the very God of Intimacy.
Why did We do such a thing for something as frail as man? Because We couldn't live without you. Your true self, without sin, carries Our family Name. So, choose this day who you will serve. Jesus is coming...but so is hell. Repent, believe and make Jesus your Lord and King. Your hero and champion. Receive your forgiveness and begin your life of hope today. And surely I will embrace you as a loving father embraces his child. Because that is who I Am. God of Intimacy.
So...on this day...this very hour...this very to me will you? I have set hope before you. I have set abundance of life, in My Son Jesus, before you. This would give Me great pleasure. To see my children free. Free to love. Free to laugh. Free to dance. Free to hope. Free to know me....God of Intimacy.