God is doing so many wonderful things in the Body of Christ. So many wonderful things for all people of the earth. What a loving, merciful and powerful God we serve. We could go on for hours talking about what Jehovah is doing in Israel. And hours upon hours about the onslaught of conversions in Muslim countries, in communist nations and in the whole world in general. Miracles, bondage's being broken, marriages being healed, divine protection and families being reconciled. His mercy is never ending. His Glory is covering the earth. I guess this a good time to pray that we might hear what the Spirit has for us today. "We bow before You Almighty God. You are full of mercy and everlasting kindness. Your throne is above all. You are a forgiving God. A wonderful Father. A glorious Savior. A reigning King. Yes, Oh hail King Jesus. Help us Oh God to love. Not just in showing love but in receiving love. Your love. Make us what You want us to be for your purposes and Glory. We trust You. We adore You and we want You in our lives. We joyfully expect Your Coming. In Jesus Name...AMEN."
May I please go on a rabbit trail before I begin? Thanks ! There are probably many churches (assemblies) around the world which truly represent the end time church as it should be. I am personally acquainted with two. They are New Covenant Church in Valdosta,Ga. (www.nccvaldosta.org) and David Wilkerson's church in Times Square, New York (www.worldchallenge.org). By end time churches I mean this..The men governing these assemblies pray and fast about everything concerning the flock and ministry put under them. These holy men of God truly do not move unless the Holy Spirit says so. These stewards are very concerned about what God wants for them and His people. The people themselves are in unity with God and each other. Desiring above all things the Holy Father Himself. Always expecting God to show up during the services and when He does they know that the schedule doesn't matter anymore. Hello..God showed up. And He does. OFTEN. Why did I mention these two assemblies? Because they remain my family and I will refer to them from time to time in these blogs.
Many, many years ago I had a prophet speak over my life and into my life. At the time I was in no condition to understand what the words meant nor did I care. I was too self absorbed with myself and the multiple episodes of depression I was suffering. They came in many flavors and frequencies. Some led to suicidal attempts and many hospital stays. Some led to anger, drugs and alcohol. They all led to a state of mind which desired to vanish without a trace. God has done a most marvelous work in me since those times (by His grace) but that was my state when the prophet spoke. He said, "Your spirit is in a fetal position."
Fast forward to last week. Joan (my wife) and I were listening to a worship CD from New Covenant which we do several times a week. During one song the words were singing about the Father wrapping His arms around me and holding me. My spirit broke within me. The Holy Spirit began to show me many things about myself, the Body and all people of the world in just an instant. He said to me, "Kenny, remember I told you that your spirit is in a fetal position?" Yes sir, I said and then the Holy Spirit went on to say, " You don't know how to be loved. Your earthly Father was not a very good example to you in this matter. Many in my Body are in the same situation. In fact, most people of the earth do not trust and are fearful of being loved. This bondage will be broken soon enough and so many things will take on a new light. My love is freedom. Get ready, be expectant and pray."
From there the Holy Spirit began teaching me the things I need to know for now concerning this great thing He is doing. Yes, the people in this condition (including myself) love God with their whole heart. They serve, give, worship, meditate on scripture, pray intercede and seem to do all that is expected as followers of Jesus. But deep inside there seems to be a slight shadow. A slight hint that all is not well but they just can't put a finger on it. They strive to do even more and more for the Body but that conflict still remains. The conflict which says, "something is missing and sometimes my love walk seems to be out of my own striving." GOOD NEWS...God has heard our cry and He intends to do something about it. In the days to come we will understand more fully God's love for us and how to receive it.
Boy, this is going to be a most exciting and powerful journey indeed. Just think, really receiving God's love will help us love Him, ourselves and others better. That circle of love will be complete. Even the worship will change. We will discover that our songs will not only be our words of love and adoration from us to Him but from Him to us. A sweet, sweet love affair. How precious. How powerful. Light to the world. Light to the world.
The second great thing God is doing really goes hand in hand with the first. How many of you are like me? Somewhere inside I see myself as a great holy man of God. One who is quick to obey. One who God considers His friend. Serving God with such vigor and power. How can such a thing come about? I surely can't make myself that person. Just like Paul, I say Oh but God can. And He will. By His grace. By the power of the Holy Spirit. He will. He surely will. What is this second great thing called? The Holy Spirit told me (while my heart was still breaking about not being able to receive love) it is called the FEAR OF THE LORD.
We will not have time to go into this most vast subject in this blog but will expound on it in weeks to come. The Holy Spirit told me that soon the grace to finally come to a final surrendered state before our Lord Jesus will occur. Oh Hallelujah ! Lets just say this for now, the Fear of the Lord is more than just a reverent attitude toward our Maker. It is a state where a person is quick to obey. A state of holiness. A state of being completely sold out to the Almighty God. Didn't Jesus say that if you love me you will obey me? Revival is coming. God's glory is knocking on the door. Hang on brothers and sisters, the cavalry is coming and His name is King Jesus.
Pray with me and FOR ME please, Oh God, I want to know how to receive love..Your love. Thank you so much for not giving up on me. For giving me hope. Love me Daddy. Oh please love me Daddy. Help us all dear Lord to be enabled to receive love. Help us to love each other and let the world see your love in us. Sanctify us. Make us holy for You are holy. Present us to Your Son Jesus as a glorious bride without spot or wrinkle. We love You Oh God and give You all the glory for these most marvelous things. In Jesus name...AMEN.
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