Most glorious Heavenly Father, we thank You so much for Your love, blessings and favor upon all of mankind. We surely don't deserve anything good but we receive from You with great thanksgiving shrouded in a humble heart. May we all learn from You in this matter. The matter of being a blessing to all You place in our path. And all good things come from Your Majestic throne. Thank You for allowing us to share in Your fellowship of love and mercy with others. We love You. In Jesus name....AMEN.
(remember, this was a journal entry from 2004) About a month ago a certain friend and I were spending a great deal of time together. A new convert. So we spent time praying together, reading the Word, encouraging each other etc. Then for weeks he got away from our fellowship and when I saw him again he was drinking, cussing and hanging out with old friends. My first thought was he and God were just a distant and an emotional spur of the moment thing. Wow, do I need to change my thinking. Then I saw him again a few more weeks later and he told me that he got his girlfriend saved; God found him a job; a place to stay; he had a Christian boss and was still reading his bible. Then I thought maybe all this wasn't true because he is still hanging out with his old friends and cussing. I mean how could God be blessing him so richly and his behavior is so worldly still. Instead I should have rejoiced and thought the best of him because that is what love does. And then I felt ashamed and said, look at me...who am I to judge? Pretty shameful huh?
Then I wondered why God is blessing him so richly when I have all the revelation. (just trying to be honest here people) WAKE UP CALL! God said His blessings are in relationship to the obedience to the faith we have. Oh great, back to my quest of being surrendered, sold out and walking in the fear of the Lord. Not for blessings, but because in that state I would be better at seeing things the way God sees them. Oh God please help me not to question what You are doing in the lives of others. Help me to expect You to do something great for others. Keep my focus on ME. Working out my own salvation with fear and trembling.
And oh precious God...I don't want to be obedient because of blessings but because I love You. Would You work that in me please. Would You please? I need You Daddy. HELP!
I was also taught something else about my prideful, selfish nature. Often I pray that God would save an individual and put them in a better position to be healed and blessed. NOTE to self: there should never be any qualifications for God's favor and blessing. That is His business from the chiefest sinner ( such as I ) to the greatest saint. How should I look at such things? Remember ,Kenny G., that Jesus came to show us the mercy and loving kindness of the Father.
Jesus didn't look for those deserving to be blessed. He didn't require that a person be born again...sometimes He didn't even preach salvation. He healed ALL who were oppressed of the devil. He looked for everyone to be blessed and healed. Sure we need to promote Jesus. In fact I need to be Jesus...blessing, healing and encouraging ALL who are oppressed. Be Jesus. Let God save. He wants the doorway of His goodness and mercy to be open. Sure Jesus remains the only doorway to the Father and eternal life but we all need to receive from God. And that sometimes does something in the heart. And that is God's business. SO BE BLESSED !
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