Howdy, howdy! Lets go to the throne: Wonderful Lord, how beautiful You are. How holy, just, forgiving, merciful and wise. You bought us and made us Your own. Thank you Daddy. Thank you so, so much. Give us ears to hear Your living Word. Help us to obey Your Word. We want to please You. We love You....We need You...We want You...AMEN
Sometimes I encounter situations where someone does wrong towards me but turns it around like I have done wrong. I have in all cases reflected on myself first for any error. Many times I have found that I have done wrong. So in those cases Oh God have mercy on me and dear sir or ma'am, I am so sorry. Occasionally I also find myself getting offended when someone hurts me. That too is wrong. Oh God, please bring me up higher in love so I will not even consider or pay attention to a suffered wrong.
In many cases I also find that when I have NOT erred I still find guilt within me. After inspection I find I have not sinned against man or God..so why the guilt?
I HAVE PRIDE. I have pride in me because I am worried that others may have seen me as less than perfect. Oh God deliver me from such and hidden attitude that marches to the tune of 'worried about offending others' because I want to look perfect in their eyes. Even when I know I haven't sinned, their condemnation of me bothers me because I want others to think good about me.
Guilt leave me in Jesus name. Kenny G., be a God pleaser and stop worrying about what others think when you know you spoke or acted as Jesus. REMEMBER, Jesus spoke what the Father spoke. He did what He saw the Father do and people still got offended and spoke wickedly of Him.
Well folks, that's about it for right now. God Bless You !!
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