Hey everybody. No, I didn't forget about you or the things of the Lord. But the past few days have been those of introspection and hearing from the Lord Jesus. Lets talk to Him now shall we...Wonderful God, Savior and friend, we come to You with praise on our lips for You are awesome. We come to You because we are thirsty and hungry. We come to the Word made flesh..Jesus. In Him we shall not thirst again, in Him we shall not go hungry. Jesus is our Living Water and Bread of Life. We come now to partake. Give us ears to hear. In Jesus Name AMEN.
Galatians 6:9-10 says this: "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." What led me to bring this verse before you and I today? Because I have been wrestling with God to make sure pride and vainglory about this blog site has been rooted out. Not that I felt any such thing (although we all have some in us somewhere) but I wanted to know. It's so important to me that this site be from God and not from any hidden motive on my behalf.
Why did this subject even come up? Well, I have felt a little discouraged that no one has commented on this site since its beginning. I don't think it is wrong to desire some feedback from such endeavors. Even pastors feel such desire at times I am sure. So, I looked at that attitude to make sure it was not over balanced one way or the other. Then I wondered if anyone was even looking at this site. I said "Lord, am I wasting my time?" "Is this really Your will for me after all?"
Jesus says to you and I: "As our love continues to grow in Him during these last days, our desire to do good will increase. The harvest will seem slow, ever so slow in coming because the god of this world knows his time is short. But the reaper is about to overtake the sower.(Amos9:13) Don't give up, the Lord of Glory is coming and with Him all good things."
Jesus says to you and I: "As our love continues to grow in Him during these last days, our desire to do good will increase. The harvest will seem slow, ever so slow in coming because the god of this world knows his time is short. But the reaper is about to overtake the sower.(Amos9:13) Don't give up, the Lord of Glory is coming and with Him all good things."
What do we mean when we talk about harvest? First let me tell you what we DON'T mean. You have heard it taught that the Kingdom of God is based on seed time and harvest. This teaching is true according to the context used in scriptures. But some have taught certain things which I consider overbalanced. Such as if you sow a car you will get a car. If you sow ten dollars in their ministry you will reap a thousand. The list goes on. You get my drift.
First, we SHOULDN'T sow with the sole intention of getting something back. Do we know that we will? SURE ! But we don't base our doing good on such thoughts. And we surely don't give in order to gain God's favor or attention. We are unable to do that because our righteousness is as filthy rags to Him. Jesus gained His attention on our behalf.
No, we sow good because that is what love does. We sow to honor Jesus and bring glory to the Father. We do good because we have compassion.
So I write with the above intentions. God says to keep on doing good and we WILL (He is not a God that lies) reap a harvest. What kind of harvest. Well, that I do not know. Suffice to say it will be good. And it will come. I write because of the gifting in me. I write because my earnest desire is to represent the Father and His thoughts to others knowing that the Word is alive and able to operate on its own if we can just get it out there. I also know that the light of the Father which is in us in Christ Jesus will shine on its own if we can just get it out there.
In closing, If you preach then preach. If you give financially then give. If you encourage then encourage. If you have mercy then have mercy. If you pray then pray. If you intercede for the lost then intercede. If you feed the poor then feed. If you clothe the naked then clothe. If you evangelize then evangelize. If you prophesy then prophesy. If you love and befriend then love. If you help then help. If you bear burdens with and for others then bear. If you take time for others then sacrifice. If you have wisdom then give it.
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