Sort of. Boy, some of you might think I am on the edge of blasphemy so we better pray right away. Wonderful Jesus, we come humbly before You with understanding that You are full of wisdom and our puny minds can not ever compare to Yours...even in the least. But we also understand that You delight in revealing to us more about who You are. Your character. Your nature. Please guide our thoughts now as we come together with You to talk about one of many great mysteries hidden in You. In Jesus name...AMEN.
Have you ever been so upset with yourself? With your conduct? Maybe even to the point of loathing yourself because of a blatant sin against God? I have, and many times over. Not so much now because the Holy Spirit has taught me much about God's character over the past few decades. I have also learned much about God through His merciful dealings with me and through spending time with Him. Just hanging out.
During those times I can vividly remember asking God to kill me because it was evident I was not born again. How could I be? My actions had been so wicked indeed. I was fully convinced that I was doomed to hell and wanted to go there immediately, mostly to spare others more harm from my unChristlike behavior. Then I would begin to get real mad at God because I believed that if He knows everything then He would know I was doomed to hell so WHY CREATE ME?
Have you ever had such thoughts? I know some of you have. Again, why does God allow people to be born if He knows they will go to Hell? He knows everything doesn't He? Again...sort of. HE DECIDES NOT TO SEE.
Why am I believing such things? First of all, thank you Holy Spirit for wisdom..but do not let me be deceived. I believe all wisdom comes from You and, if I let it, I will go away with greater knowledge of God's love and character. That is what I am after...NOT to blow my own smartness horn. Heavens no.
Anyway, God searched Saul's heart and saw he loved Him, was righteous and would make a good King over Israel (their first King). He turned wicked and God said He REGRETTED making Saul King. First of all regret means that a mistake had been made. But it wasn't on God's part. God said He had thoughts for Saul's throne to be established forever.
I believe God sets good plans for everyone and His thoughts are continually established toward their success. If He opened His eyes and saw the final outcome, His very thoughts of the view would bring that into being. God's thoughts are continually good and hopeful for our blessed outcome. It is I who determines to walk in it or not.
Maybe some day someone will read this who has similar struggles as I. Well, Hallelujah, because maybe I can shorten your period of self loathing, pain and anger against God. Here it is....Such thoughts are Not from God. Neither are they from you. Now who stands to gain here? Is it not lucifer himself? He(he) is the condemner and father of lies. Try this, get on your knees and ask God to forgive you of your sins and the rebellious talk against Him. Do It, what do you have to lose? Can you feel it? The heaviness of your burden has left you !! God created you to be with Him forever. He died in your place to make that happen, if you would but believe. Now get up and rejoice. Your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life and the devil has lost another one. Until next time...Kenny G.
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