Well howdy do. From the looks of this blog title it appears that we are getting ready to go into some very deep water indeed. Hope you can swim. With that said lets go now to the One who is able and willing to save us from everything and everybody...including ourselves. "Holy God, thank You for loving us so much. For taking our place where judgement of sin is concerned. You purchased us too. Now that surely means that we have great value in Your eyes. It is Your choice to love us and we are so, so eternally grateful. We love You too. We need You. We want You. In our dear Lord Jesus name we pray...AMEN."
What in the world have we gotten ourselves into now? We will get back to that in just a minute. Let me introduce you to one of the many churches we are so privileged to be a part of. One which I have grown with for the past 25 years. One which we belong to regardless of where we live. Of course their are many bodies of believers worldwide which are one with God and His will for the times in which we live, but this church is so dear to my heart. The name is New Covenant Church in Valdosta Ga. http://www.nccvaldosta.org/. Check it out sometime.
My most beloved wife (Joan) and myself listen to NCC messages on a weekly and almost daily basis. Many visions and prophecies have come across that pulpit in the past few decades. Two stick with me and I want to share them with you. I promise this message will all tie together real nice in a moment. Listen will you? A certain prophetess delivered this first vision a few years back. It goes something like this. But first, oh Holy Spirit please help me to deliver these visions correctly and with Your anointing. AMEN.
There was a giant lion laying in front of this sister. Huge, about the size of a two story building. The lion (remember Jesus is called the lion of the tribe of Judah) turned his massive head ever so slowly and spoke. The words sounded like the thunder of many waters. The lion said "YOU OUGHT TO GET TO KNOW ME." Now if that doesn't bring tears to your eyes I don't know what will.
The second vision was more recent. Given by a very dear brother of mine. A most wonderful spiritual leader of the NCC body. The vision was one of Jesus. He was just a dancing. A real high stepping dance at that. He was grinning from ear to ear. He said "ISN'T OBEDIENCE FUN !" And after that He said "WE ARE GETTING READY TO TAKE AN ADVENTURE TOGETHER." And I agree with my dear brother, what in the world would Jesus consider an adventure? It must be something most wonderful indeed. I am sure it will require great FAITH.
God is Love. I could probably blog those words alone and expect them to preach for years to come. What a powerful statement. May I please follow out that rabbit trail? Thanks. 1 John 4:15-21 "If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in God. And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. GOD IS LOVE. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. the one who fears is not made perfect in love."
"We love because He first loved us. If anyone says, "I love God,"yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has not seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen. And He has given us this command: whoever loves God must also love his brother."
Thanks for indulging me, that text was just too rich to pass up.
Now God has no trouble loving because that is who He is. His love for us was shown most dramatically when He came down from His lofty throne and humbled Himself as a man. Walked among us. Taught us. And gave Himself unto death for us on that most torturous of all deaths..the cross. Paying the penalty for our sins. Went to hell so we wouldn't have to. Rose again on the third day so we would have hope in eternal life and not fear deaths sting. Sitting on the right hand of the Father interceding on our behalf. Coming for us (His love) again any minute now. God's love is covenant love. If He said it then He means it. Our love for Him is something akin to the Son's love for the Father. The Father's love just is. But the Son's love (the kind we walk in toward the Father) is a choice to OBEY. Yes, we cannot get away from that most beautiful hymn. "TRUST AND OBEY, FOR THERE IS NO OTHER WAY, TO BE HAPPY IN JESUS BUT TO TRUST AND OBEY." 1 John 5: 3 says "This is love for God: to obey His commands."
How in the world are we going to tie all this together? Check this out. Let's GET TO KNOW THE LION OF JUDAH. Spend time with this most wonderful God who loves us. Then, Lets obey Him. He requires it. He demands it. Surely we can trust our God whom we know and have spent time with. His commands are not for our harm but for our good. Faith (TRUST AND OBEY) will bring us great joy. Even make us do a little jig. Like Jesus said, ISN'T OBEDIENCE FUN ! And take it from Him, we are about to take an adventure that will require every bit of faith we have.
Unfortunately we also have to consider the ramifications of being disobedient. A little leaven leavens the whole loaf. Can we keep one percent of rebellion inside us against the Living God and expect to live and reign with Him? Lucifer was the most beautiful of angels. The leader of music and worship before he fell. One percent pride, rebellion and self exaltation did that. If God did not spare the angels who sinned in the first rebellion, do you think He will spare us who spit upon His most Holy Son? 1 Samuel 15:23, "For rebellion (disobedience) is like the sin of witchcraft, and iniquity like the evil of idolatry (saying our way is better)." God have mercy on us all.
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