My fellow humanoids..sorry I didn't leave a blog yesterday. Our Internet was down. So here we go..Almighty God, we humbly bow before You. You are surely higher than we are. Yet You have set your affection upon us as seen in Christ Jesus. Help us to have great faith. Mountain moving faith. And since faith works by love may you give us the grace to fall deeply, passionately in love with You, ourselves and others. In Jesus name..AMEN
Faith is not expecting God to answer our many petitions. If so then we will surely get frustrated and upset with ourselves (thinking we have little faith if unanswered) or even with God because His hand seems not to move.
But His hand does move !! We DO have faith..and it is great, great mountain moving faith if we dare to love and have the faith of Jesus.
The Word says that all men have a measure of faith (the ability to believe). Do we not trust the very chair we sit in to hold us properly? But we see that the believers faith is so much more. In fact without it we cannot please God (Romans 12:3; Hebrews 11:6).
For the believer, our journey of faith begins by hearing the Word. The proclamation of the good news of Jesus (Romans 10:14). But that living Word (and it is alive John 1) must continue to be sown in our hearts if we are to have faith(Romans 10:17).
Faith is simply this...hearing what God says. Believing it and speaking it.
But how can you believe someone if you don't know who they are? That is why we are told that faith works by love (Galatians 5:6). How do we trust this awesome God with whom we have to deal ? Spend time with God. In His Word and in prayer. This is how we will build confidence. We will come to know that God is not a liar and will reward them who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).
And as we grow more in love with God...the greater our ability to have faith. We will also grow in the love we give to others. Now we come to the ouch part. OBEDIENCE. Not as hard as you might think if we trust the Holy Spirit to kill the enemy who keeps us from full surrender. To help us kill the enemy which tries it's best to keep us from being quick to obey and to walk in the fear of the Lord. This enemy is none other than our own stinking , prideful, selfish and uncrucified flesh. Faith without works is dead. This means if God said it we do it. To love God is to obey God (James 2:17; John 14:15).
Very simple indeed. In fact Jesus said unless you become like a little child then you cannot enter the Kingdom (Mark 10:15). If a father puts his child on a ledge and says "jump and I will catch you," the child will obey because he knows and trusts his father. Can not we also trust our heavenly Father who gave His very own Son's life for our benefit?
Why must we get these foundational stones corrected and understood especially in these last days? Let me take you to two of the saddest verses in scripture. in Matthew 24:12 we discover that in the end times a very large portion of the Body's (church, believers) love will grow cold. Now we know that faith works by love. So that explains why in Luke 18:8 Jesus asks will He find faith in the earth when He returns. How sad.
Now we see why a study on love and faith are so important. Such things are required for a person born again of the Spirit. The just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17). This is not a simple belief that Jesus is the Son of God. Or a simple belief that God is good and everything will be OK. A thousand times NO because the devil believes. (James 2:19).
How important is this LIVING thing we call faith. Faith believes God's Word. Faith is believing and DOING God's Word. We often hear that there is nothing greater than the name of Jesus (Philippians 2:8-11). But there is something greater. God's Word (Psalms 138:2). With this knowledge how can we neglect the habitual eating of the Word? The eating of Jesus, our living Bread (John6:48-51; John6:63; John 1:1-3,14).
The Word is our handbook on how to live a holy life. It shows us who the Father is. Who the Son is. It encourages us. It gives us hope. It satisfies us (Ephesians 5:25-27). It reveals who we are in Christ. It changes our thinking. It is a weapon against satan (Romans 12:2; Luke 8:11-15). And please look up the following verses, and all scripture on your own. Good practice and it is life to your soul. (Luke 4:1-13; Ephesians 6:16,17). And how can we even understand the Word without the Holy Spirit? We cannot since what was written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit must be interpreted by the Spirit(II Timothy 3:16,17). Ask God to fill you with the gift of His Spirit. Will even our earthly fathers give us a stone if we ask for bread? Our heavenly Father is even greater and will give all good things to those who dare ask.
Are we not to be called living epistles read of men (II Corinthians 3:3)? How can we represent the Father; how can we share the good news of the Gospel; how can we know the riches of God's new covenant with man which was sealed in the blood of His dear Son Jesus without eating of the living Word? The Word that helps us know the Father. And while we are getting to know Him our faith is increasing. Our ability to trust Him increases. Isn't it true that we trust those we KNOW?
So in closing let us spend time with our heavenly Father. Let us eat the living Word which is revealed to us by the Holy Spirit. And may we walk in love because without love we have not the ability to believe or trust this awesome God whom we must deal with. Again God continues to cry..please, oh please GET TO KNOW ME !!
May we truly be overcomers. May we all be ready at His coming. May we be found washed in His Blood. Loving God and man. Eating, meditating, doing and speaking His Word (Revelation 12:11). God bless. Kenny G. signing off.
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