Welcome ! Boy I hardly slept last night thinking about the commitment I had made to begin this part of God's journey for me. I tend to get like that when I have an appointment of any kind. Tried to muster up a message to no avail. God told me to spend time with the Lord of the message instead of the message of the Lord. So, on my knees, humbled before the Lord of Glory, I spent time with the Jesus whom I love. Now I can proclaim his Word with boldness.
Lets pray. Almighty God, we humble ourselves before You. We bow before You because You are much higher than us. You are God. Thank you for loving us. For sacrificing your Son for us. For choosing us. We love You and pray that Your sweet holy Spirit will give me Your Words to proclaim. And please give us all ( especially me) ears to hear what You are saying to us. Your Words bring Life. They bring healing, joy, hope, peace and everything good. Since we are in covenant with You, Your Name has been given to us to use. We have a right to come before You in Christ. So in Jesus we come...AMEN
Things in the world are surely spinning out of control. But we have rest because the lights of the world ( God's born again children) know that God is in control. His prophetic Words must come to pass. Jesus must return when the Father says. And Jesus will return for His Body while the world is deep in the darkness of sin. The Father says so. And we are certainly a nation and world full of evil and darkness. Selfishness seems to have invaded most men's hearts. Everyone has an agenda which seems to suit them. Always searching to fill that void in their hearts which only God can fill. The Word says that at the very end, before His Coming, the world will be likened unto the day of Sodom and Gomorrah. If ever an age comes close to that it is ours.
About 25 years ago I began to be drawn to the word anointing and unction in the Bible. After much study and prayer about this subject, the Holy Spirit showed me that this was the miracle, life giving power of God. And soon it would be released into the earth through His chosen vessels. His children. His Body. We are now the arks which carry His power. He calls this anointing Glory.A few years later a well known preacher/evangelist began to teach on the anointing and Glory of God which is to come. He still teaches about this subject even unto this day. But hearing him confirmed what God was trying to show me.
I will expound on this subject from time to time using scripture and prophetic utterances. For now let me give you a broad over view about the coming days. Hey I just got a real cool phone call. I am going to be a grandfather. Oh thank you Jesus. May he grow up strong in the Lord. Ok, back to our subject. There is a heaven and there is a hell. There is a God and there is a devil. God is holy and righteous. He is the One who judges all peoples and determines their eternal destiny. The devil ( a fallen angel who desires to be like God) is trying his best (along with his demons) to persuade as many people as he can to follow his example of self exhaultation. Their eternal destiny will be hell. A place of forever torment and separation from God and all things good. But God desires all would be saved and that none would perish. He has a plan.
Of course we know that all who believe in His Son Jesus for their cleansing of sin and justification are saved from the wrath to come. Those who have surrendered their life to King Jesus. Those who have truly made Him Lord. But dear ones, we are about to witness the greatest revival and outpouring of God's Glory (power and presence) like never before. Soon the world as we know it will be changed suddenly. Men's hearts will fail them because of fear as they struggle to save the little kingdoms they have set up for themselves.
Soon Jesus will be coming for His Bride(those dedicated to Him and Him alone) but before that we shall all taste of the tribulation and wrath of God to come. We who are hidden in Christ rejoice because we see the present judgement on this nation and world as a prelude for the coming of our King Jesus. Meanwhile (now) the Holy Spirit is cleaning us up. Santifying us. Making us vessels of honor for the outpouring of the Glory which is coming. I mean the type of power which rests upon a righteous one and as he/she goes even through the door of a hospital all will be healed. Soon even those coming close to the arks of God's Glory will fall on their knees before the very humbling presence of God. Oh the joy of it all. Oh Lord may we all be in position to know that we know we are Yours. Dear friends, I will expound on this subject a little more tomorrow, bringing you scriptures to verify the things we are talking about. God Bless. Kenny G. signing off AMEN
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