Twas the night before Christmas and all through the stable not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. When all of a sudden there was a great roar sounding like thunder. A bright light shone, brighter than the sun. Quite a clamor. Mary lifted our baby Jesus to her bosom while I ventured outside to see what was the matter.
I couldn't believe my eyes and ears. The only thing I could remember was what I was taught in school. About Moses. How he was told to take off his shoes because where he was standing ( before the burning bush) was holy ground. Off with the sandals and on my knees because surely what was happening was from Jehovah God. Looking back briefly, I motioned for Mary to bring the baby out to experience this most holy moment with me. Something peculiar though as I glanced back. The animals all seemed as they were in a daze, but all gently nudging and straining to come too.
Oh the Glory of God's brightness and holiness was everywhere. Jehovah was all over us. Caressing, holding and filling us. The sound was ear splitting. Like thunder rolling I heard angels proclaiming that this birth was an event which would change the world forever. God's peace and love was born to us today. The angels were barely visible because of the brightness which shone this day. I wouldn't have seen them anyway, I was too busy trying to be as reverent as I possibly could.
When I dared to look up I was astonished because many had come to bow before our holy God which was visiting with us this day. The inn keeper and his family. The stable hands, guests of the inn, neighbors...they were all here bowing and worshiping. Kind of weird though because our most beautiful baby, Jesus, was smiling. Well, He should after all because this was His real daddy. Father God was showing Himself as a proud, jubilant parent. Boy, I am going to have such a cool life. Hey, here come some wise men with their large entourage. Man, look at all the gifts. I have nothing to present to this most holy child but my everlasting love and undivided care and attention. But that is a good thing.
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