Well good morning to you. And to you oh God we say that this is the day that you have made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. And dear Sir would YOU help us as we now pray...Mighty, Mighty God. Creator of all things seen and unseen we come before you with humble hearts. Hearts seeking Your mercy and grace. Hearts seeking You. You alone will satisfy us. Thank you for loving us so much as seen on the ole rugged cross. Your beloved Son redeeming us. Jesus, our hero and champion, thank you for being obedient to the Father. We love you Daddy God. Speak to us our wonderful Holy Spirit. Our teacher. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit has to say....In Jesus we pray..AMEN
You have heard it said that God calls those things at the end from the beginning. Throughout the scriptures He shows us things before they happen. It is no different concerning end time events. End times are the days, months and years leading up to the rapture (catching away) of the Church(all those who have made Jesus their Lord). Paul tells us in 2Timothy 3:1-4 that there will be terrible times in the last days. People will love themselves and their money. They will be boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, slanderous without any self control. They will be lovers of pleasure instead of lovers of God. Many will even pretend to be religious. They will look good on the outside but will not carry the power , life and anointing of God. He goes on to say in chapter 4:3,4 that men living in the last days will not put up with sound doctrines which lead to repentance and holiness. They will go from preacher to preacher trying to find a doctrine which suits them. One not too hard. One which doesn't demand anything from them especially obedience to God. Oh these churches are cropping up over night. Mega churches. Messages making us feel good about ourselves instead of leading us to repentance and surrender to a most Holy God. Please be careful out there!!
I believe that most people in the world today can sense that something is about to happen which will not be good. And they would be right. But the Glory is coming. Sure my greatest and most joyful expectation right now is for Lord Jesus to come and take me home to be with Him forever. But before that will come the greatest outpouring of Spirit upon all mankind..upon all the earth. Yes, one more opportunity to get our hearts right before the Great Tribulation and wrath of God which will come upon the whole earth right after the Bride (Church, Assembly of believers) is taken right on up to heaven.
Remember that 2Peter 3:8 says that a day with the Lord is like a thousand years. Many believe that this verse just means eternity has no boundaries. Not so !! The Lord means exactly what He says. He often times uses types, shadows, parables and numbers to represent to us things which are to come.This time is no different. Follow me here please, there is 4000 years between Adam and Jesus. Two thousand years (plus or minus according to the Jewish calender) from Jesus til now. That is 6000 years or 7 days to the Lord. God created the world in 6 days. On the 7th He rested. Most of you know these things, but for the benefit of those who don't I will try to describe the most basic of the subject at hand.
After the catching away of the Bride there will be 7 years of terrible, terrible agony, calamity and distress upon the earth as God's wrath is unleashed. After that Jesus will return and set up His Kingdom here on the earth for 1000 years. 1000 years of peace. So we have six days (6000 years) which God created and the time we have existed since Adam. Now God's day of rest ( the seventh day) also represents the millennial reign of Jesus. So, you can see that we are right at the door of this whole thing being wrapped up any minute now. Please get READY. There are so many such analogies in the scriptures concerning the 6 days and 6000 years. Of the 7th day and the 1000 year reign of Christ. Does the cross tell us something also? I think so. On the third day Jesus arose as the glorified One. There has already been two days (2000 years) since Jesus came down to planet earth. Shall we not also arise with Him on the third day? Folks it is the beginning of the third day NOW.
What does the Old Testament say? Remember most of the Old Testament is a type and shadow of things to come. In Exodus 19:10,11 we see that God told Moses to prepare and consecrate the people for two days and on the third day He would come down in the sight of all the people. Finally I get to talk now about the Glory. I guess a person can even get a little long winded on the keyboard.
I wish I could figure out how to indent on this blog site. Nevertheless, lets talk for a minute about the Glory (supernatural power of God, anointing, life giving force and even His Divine Presence). I am not a scholar on this subject by no means but there are many books out there if you care to go a little deeper. You have probably heard the Christian circles talk about the former and later rain. Rain usually refers to the Holy Spirit. In this case the downpour of the Holy Spirit (the Glory or anointing of God). Downpour like rain. Saturation. Filling. Covering. The Old Testament Joel talks about it in chapter 2. He (God) will give us the former or autumn rain in moderation. To Israel the autumn or former rain was rain which was sent right after planting. Joel goes on to say that there will be a time when both the former (autumn rain) and later rain (spring rain) will come at the same time. In Israel the spring rain fell right before harvest time.
You have heard it said that God calls those things at the end from the beginning. Throughout the scriptures He shows us things before they happen. It is no different concerning end time events. End times are the days, months and years leading up to the rapture (catching away) of the Church(all those who have made Jesus their Lord). Paul tells us in 2Timothy 3:1-4 that there will be terrible times in the last days. People will love themselves and their money. They will be boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, slanderous without any self control. They will be lovers of pleasure instead of lovers of God. Many will even pretend to be religious. They will look good on the outside but will not carry the power , life and anointing of God. He goes on to say in chapter 4:3,4 that men living in the last days will not put up with sound doctrines which lead to repentance and holiness. They will go from preacher to preacher trying to find a doctrine which suits them. One not too hard. One which doesn't demand anything from them especially obedience to God. Oh these churches are cropping up over night. Mega churches. Messages making us feel good about ourselves instead of leading us to repentance and surrender to a most Holy God. Please be careful out there!!
I believe that most people in the world today can sense that something is about to happen which will not be good. And they would be right. But the Glory is coming. Sure my greatest and most joyful expectation right now is for Lord Jesus to come and take me home to be with Him forever. But before that will come the greatest outpouring of Spirit upon all mankind..upon all the earth. Yes, one more opportunity to get our hearts right before the Great Tribulation and wrath of God which will come upon the whole earth right after the Bride (Church, Assembly of believers) is taken right on up to heaven.
Remember that 2Peter 3:8 says that a day with the Lord is like a thousand years. Many believe that this verse just means eternity has no boundaries. Not so !! The Lord means exactly what He says. He often times uses types, shadows, parables and numbers to represent to us things which are to come.This time is no different. Follow me here please, there is 4000 years between Adam and Jesus. Two thousand years (plus or minus according to the Jewish calender) from Jesus til now. That is 6000 years or 7 days to the Lord. God created the world in 6 days. On the 7th He rested. Most of you know these things, but for the benefit of those who don't I will try to describe the most basic of the subject at hand.
After the catching away of the Bride there will be 7 years of terrible, terrible agony, calamity and distress upon the earth as God's wrath is unleashed. After that Jesus will return and set up His Kingdom here on the earth for 1000 years. 1000 years of peace. So we have six days (6000 years) which God created and the time we have existed since Adam. Now God's day of rest ( the seventh day) also represents the millennial reign of Jesus. So, you can see that we are right at the door of this whole thing being wrapped up any minute now. Please get READY. There are so many such analogies in the scriptures concerning the 6 days and 6000 years. Of the 7th day and the 1000 year reign of Christ. Does the cross tell us something also? I think so. On the third day Jesus arose as the glorified One. There has already been two days (2000 years) since Jesus came down to planet earth. Shall we not also arise with Him on the third day? Folks it is the beginning of the third day NOW.
What does the Old Testament say? Remember most of the Old Testament is a type and shadow of things to come. In Exodus 19:10,11 we see that God told Moses to prepare and consecrate the people for two days and on the third day He would come down in the sight of all the people. Finally I get to talk now about the Glory. I guess a person can even get a little long winded on the keyboard.
I wish I could figure out how to indent on this blog site. Nevertheless, lets talk for a minute about the Glory (supernatural power of God, anointing, life giving force and even His Divine Presence). I am not a scholar on this subject by no means but there are many books out there if you care to go a little deeper. You have probably heard the Christian circles talk about the former and later rain. Rain usually refers to the Holy Spirit. In this case the downpour of the Holy Spirit (the Glory or anointing of God). Downpour like rain. Saturation. Filling. Covering. The Old Testament Joel talks about it in chapter 2. He (God) will give us the former or autumn rain in moderation. To Israel the autumn or former rain was rain which was sent right after planting. Joel goes on to say that there will be a time when both the former (autumn rain) and later rain (spring rain) will come at the same time. In Israel the spring rain fell right before harvest time.
Peter talked about this prophecy coming true in the book of Acts. Acts 2:14-21 to be more precise. Look with me would you. Here Peter quoted the prophet Joel and said this outpouring of the Holy Spirit which began in the Upper Room was now coming to pass. ITS HARVEST TIME. What do I mean? Right at the beginning of the third day (end of 2000 since Christ) God will appear to the whole world. He will do it through us who are Covenant children. We will be the arks of His covenant carrying about His Glory and power. But much more intense than even what we read the apostles doing in Supernatural power. We will have both the anointing of the initial outpouring combined with what God has in mind for the later rain. I am sure it will be intense. Super intense. Isn't it cool that God often uses farming analogies? Here we see rain associated with growing the seed (seed of God's Word being sown for 2000 years) and the rain which brings harvest (oh the harvest about to take place..OH WOW).
In Haggai 2:9 we discover that God says the Glory of the later house will be greater than the Glory of the former house. Here He is comparing the Church as the later house. We are a living house (tabernacle) not made with hands. The former and later rains. The Glory. The awesome power and life giving force of Almighty God. These things and much more will fill us and overflow to the world that all might see and know there is a God. You thought the Glory of Solomon's temple was cool. You thought the ark and David's tent of meeting was cool. You ain't seen nothing yet. May these words be from God and Him alone. To Him be all the Glory. Hey. Did you hear that? It sounds as if I heard a splatter of rain. I think it touched my heart. God Bless..Kenny G. signing off.
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