Isn't it so cool how God sometimes makes us feel as if we are His favorite. Sure He loves us all equally..you know what I mean. That's just one of the many ways our Father God makes each and every one of His children feel as if we are in a love affair with Him. AND WE ARE..make no mistake about it.
God talks to us in so many ways. To name just a few...through His Word, our brothers and sisters, pastors, answered prayer, the small still voice of the Holy Spirit within and (for me anyway) through nature and circumstances. I believe that our Father loves to show off with His creation. Do you have a recurring instance in creation which God talks to you? I bet you do. I would like to share with you one of the many cool ways He has talked to me over the years. Of course,I won't tell you all because some connections between us and God should be kept secret. Those special ways God talks to you and I (and I mean those ways in which no one else shares in but you and God) make our journey so intimate.
Before I introduce you to Flospsy, let me backtrack to a point in time about a year and a half ago. There was a time when a certain bunny and I became close. She (I know it was a she now) would always come close to me when I was outside under the gazebo spending time with God. I would talk and sing to her. She especially enjoyed hearing songs in the Spirit. She would just sit and listen. This went on for about three months straight. I became quite close to her. One day she didn't show up. Then the next day no bunny. And on and on and on. Her absence crossed a span of about two months.
During this time I was especially missing her, my little friend. I would pray that God would protect her wherever she was. Provide for her and keep her healed. Of course, selfishly, I would also ask that she would come back to me. Months went by but I never forgot about her.
Then one day there she was. Oh boy, here come the tears. At that point I heard Daddy God speak to His Spirit within me. He said, " Son, I want you to know that I am interested in what you enjoy. I bring these things to you. Trust me with all your concerns, prayers and needs. I promise, I am attentive." This encouraged me a great deal to say the least. Most assuredly, since then Joan and I have had to trust Him for some real miracle working power about many things. He has always showed Himself strong and faithful on our behalf. Sometimes (most of the time) His timing was usually further down the road than we would have liked. But His way and timing always, always works out (and still does..until the Day of His Coming) better than we could have realized. To God be the Glory, great things He has done.
Shortly after that our neighbors beagle puppies were hunting up here on our property when I heard bunnies screaming. Many, many bunnies. Oh the sound they make when they are harmed or in danger. I went a running. Shooing the beagles away with one hand and picking up baby bunnies with the other. The mother was far gone, and at that point I wasn't sure if she had gotten killed. Our hound dog, Charity, also helped round up the bunnies. Gently pawing through the leaves when she smelled or heard one. They were about two-three weeks old. Five in all which were still alive, three more which didn't survive the attack.
Two passed away that night. So at that point we still had three thriving bunnies, all except for one. We called her Flopsy. Every time you would put her down she would try to walk and would just flop over on her side. The other two we named Nibbles and Cheyanne. The next night we put Flopsy in a box(without a lid) and placed her in our bathtub. We were praying for her. Really didn't think she would make it through the night because she no longer moved at all. The next morning we got up and peered into the tub. There was Flopsy peering back. Oh thank you Jesus.
We nursed them with a bottle and provided proper greens for about three weeks when (according to the experts) we let them go because when you let them down they would begin to run away. Boy was Charity jealous during those three weeks. What a joy to watch them grow. Even to this day they still hang around the wooded perimeter, close enough where we can still talk to them. You know what else? One morning I saw Nibbles and his mother. She had returned and was the very one whom I first had a relationship with. I watched as she would show Nibbles how to bend down reeds to eat. God is so awesome.
Oh Lord, we bow before You because You are God after all. But we praise You for the ways You communicated with us. I say this with all due respect Holy God, " You are supercool!" Please continue to help us hear you because You are always talking. We love you..In Jesus we pray..AMEN Until we meet again dear brothers and sisters, God bless you richly with His very presence.
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