Greetings, I pray that everyone had a most glorious Christmas. And a safe one at that. The following post was my Christmas message for 2008. I had not intended to post this message, but the Lord has added to it. This addition (specifically for these end times in which we live) will be posted tomorrow. So please stay tuned. Let us pray.."Oh Glorious Jesus, what wonderful things You have in store for those who love You. Help us to love You. Let this message be from You because I am not interested in what I have to say. Give us hearts to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. We want You. We need You. We love You. In Jesus, AMEN.
What did you come to see? Was it a mere babe born in a manger? Oh but much more than a babe. This after all was none other than God Himself come to earth to save us from His impending wrath. For you see, in that manger was the Lamb of God. The One who would ultimately take your place and my place where judgement of sin was concerned. Yes, Jesus (Son of God and Son of Man) would take upon Himself God's righteous judgment and wrath against sin. And Jesus would even go to hell in our place so we wouldn't have to. Now that is love. The God kind of love.
ONLY...BELIEVE. Sounds simple. But don't let that fool you. Even the demons believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Oh dear ones, those who are without God in you lives. Those who even now are being drawn to the Father. Ashamed of the heaviness of sin. Those who are afraid to trust their lives to the Holy God of all creation. Trust His love for you on Calvary. Trust Him that He alone has the power to forgive sin and release you from heaviness. Trust Him who alone has the power to send men to an eternal torment in hell. CRY OUT....Oh God have mercy. Wash me with the blood of Your dear Son. Come live in my heart. Fill me with the Holy Spirit that I may have the power to change into a holy vessel fit for Your use. Write my name in the Lamb's Book of Life. Have mercy on my soul. Spare me from Your soon coming, terrible, horrible wrath. DON'T BE AFRAID. READ ON. TIME IS TOO SHORT TO IGNORE THE THINGS OF GOD ANYMORE. YES..TOO SHORT TO IGNORE JESUS. Now is the day of salvation.
Why am I writing about such things? Why do I even write at all? Why does my wife and I spend much time on our knees concerned that only God's Words, and His Words alone, come forth in the very papers you hold in your hands? Why do we spend or time, money and energy about such things? How can we not. How can we not serve the One who came to serve us with His very own life! Besides, can you not hear? The prophet has spoken and continues to speak. The watchman continues to blow the trumpet of alarm. Repent for the Kingdom of God is near. The end of all things has come. Get ready for heaven or hell. Choose which master you will serve. IT'S GO TIME !! In Amos 3:7 we find that the Lord first speaks through the prophets His plans before they are revealed. LISTEN. In Ezekiel 33:9 we see that the watchman has blown the alarm about the impending return of Jesus, judgment now and His certain wrath to come. For the faithful watchman salvation but for the sinner who refuses to repent eternal death. Separated from God and all things good. How can we not pray and write about such things?
Are you ashamed of talking about Jesus? Then Jesus says He will deny you before the Father. Such a person has never been born again or he has fallen. Fallen so far from grace that the unforgivable sin is crouching at the door. Oh Body of Christ these are the ones we must serve, pray for and approach with such loving kindness. Lost Sheep are so hard to bring back but with God it is possible. Let me ask you this most kind sir or ma'am. Do you think that religious rituals, incantations or works really gain the attention of the most High God? Please consider that the only door between God and man in none other than Jesus Christ our Lord. Repentance, believing and obedience gains God's attention. Is there a doubt? Then pray. None of us know it all perfectly. But God will show us the Truth if we dare ask through His precious Holy Spirit. Don't let a hard head stand in the way of your eternal life.
AND NOW FOR THE REST OF THE STORY. Thought I forgot didn't you? First let me encourage you dear brethren, to reflect on the joyful expectation of our souls. Is it not the return of our Crowned King? Sure Jesus was born. Sure we also celebrate His resurrection. But what about His soon return? What should we be found doing when this great and most grand reunion takes place? Consider the Gospel of Mark. Mark 14:8,9 to be precise. "She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial. I tell you the truth, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her." What does this have to do with our posture during these last days. EVERYTHING. And why have we not heard more about these two events being tied together? The Gospel and the anointing of Jesus by Mary( Lazarus and Martha's sister). I don't know. But it's being told now.
Wouldn't you agree that the meat of the Gospel is God sending his only begotten Son to pay the ransom for our sins? The Love of God. His humility. His servant hood poured out to all mankind so none would perish if they would but believe. God Almighty giving His very best to purchase the salvation of man. Oh His very own precious Son I tell you. Now consider Mary of Bethany. Did she not do the very same? She gave something which was probably one of her most prized possessions. All gathered there knew immediately that someone had broken open some very costly perfume indeed. And did you see her as she unbraided her hair. As she stooped at the Master's tired, dusty feet. Oh the humility of it all. To wash feet was a servants job after all. The best she had. Given in humility. LOVING. SERVING.
This is to be our posture dear ones. Agape. The God kind of love. Covenant love. Serving one another is the highest order of all things holy. Not considering our own desires but those of another, namely God and man. Was not this the very command Jesus gave His disciples immediately after washing their feet? In John 13:35,36 we read the following: " A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." WOW !! Did you see that? The world is watching us. Followers (imitators) of Christ should certainly be serving and loving one another. When people witness such a thing they are witnessing the very heart and soul of the Father in Christ Jesus. They will know that we are the disciples of Jesus. Now I am not talking about doing church work. Oh no, no, no. We are talking about the power of God's love flowing through a righteous man or woman. The power of compassion. The power of considering someone else above ourselves. Only true sons of God can exhibit such a trait. The world can spot a counterfeit.
So in closing we discover that throughout this long discourse (sorry about that) we find something very powerful but simple indeed. God's kind of Love. And as we soon find ourselves ( along with the rest of the world) in adverse circumstances Because the world is being judged around us, let us remember that those around us need God. They don't need someone else just like them. Someone selfish. Someone who is falling apart because their own little world is doing the same. NO ! They need to see the Glory of God. The miracle working, saving, loving power of Almighty God. And you know what? That power is going to flow through you and I. And I suspect it will be through those who are on their knees in prayer or on their knees serving someone other than themselves. Now that is super cool. In that manger was someone born to serve. Just like us.
God bless and check in tomorrow for the rest... of the rest of the story.
What did you come to see? Was it a mere babe born in a manger? Oh but much more than a babe. This after all was none other than God Himself come to earth to save us from His impending wrath. For you see, in that manger was the Lamb of God. The One who would ultimately take your place and my place where judgement of sin was concerned. Yes, Jesus (Son of God and Son of Man) would take upon Himself God's righteous judgment and wrath against sin. And Jesus would even go to hell in our place so we wouldn't have to. Now that is love. The God kind of love.
ONLY...BELIEVE. Sounds simple. But don't let that fool you. Even the demons believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Oh dear ones, those who are without God in you lives. Those who even now are being drawn to the Father. Ashamed of the heaviness of sin. Those who are afraid to trust their lives to the Holy God of all creation. Trust His love for you on Calvary. Trust Him that He alone has the power to forgive sin and release you from heaviness. Trust Him who alone has the power to send men to an eternal torment in hell. CRY OUT....Oh God have mercy. Wash me with the blood of Your dear Son. Come live in my heart. Fill me with the Holy Spirit that I may have the power to change into a holy vessel fit for Your use. Write my name in the Lamb's Book of Life. Have mercy on my soul. Spare me from Your soon coming, terrible, horrible wrath. DON'T BE AFRAID. READ ON. TIME IS TOO SHORT TO IGNORE THE THINGS OF GOD ANYMORE. YES..TOO SHORT TO IGNORE JESUS. Now is the day of salvation.
Why am I writing about such things? Why do I even write at all? Why does my wife and I spend much time on our knees concerned that only God's Words, and His Words alone, come forth in the very papers you hold in your hands? Why do we spend or time, money and energy about such things? How can we not. How can we not serve the One who came to serve us with His very own life! Besides, can you not hear? The prophet has spoken and continues to speak. The watchman continues to blow the trumpet of alarm. Repent for the Kingdom of God is near. The end of all things has come. Get ready for heaven or hell. Choose which master you will serve. IT'S GO TIME !! In Amos 3:7 we find that the Lord first speaks through the prophets His plans before they are revealed. LISTEN. In Ezekiel 33:9 we see that the watchman has blown the alarm about the impending return of Jesus, judgment now and His certain wrath to come. For the faithful watchman salvation but for the sinner who refuses to repent eternal death. Separated from God and all things good. How can we not pray and write about such things?
Are you ashamed of talking about Jesus? Then Jesus says He will deny you before the Father. Such a person has never been born again or he has fallen. Fallen so far from grace that the unforgivable sin is crouching at the door. Oh Body of Christ these are the ones we must serve, pray for and approach with such loving kindness. Lost Sheep are so hard to bring back but with God it is possible. Let me ask you this most kind sir or ma'am. Do you think that religious rituals, incantations or works really gain the attention of the most High God? Please consider that the only door between God and man in none other than Jesus Christ our Lord. Repentance, believing and obedience gains God's attention. Is there a doubt? Then pray. None of us know it all perfectly. But God will show us the Truth if we dare ask through His precious Holy Spirit. Don't let a hard head stand in the way of your eternal life.
AND NOW FOR THE REST OF THE STORY. Thought I forgot didn't you? First let me encourage you dear brethren, to reflect on the joyful expectation of our souls. Is it not the return of our Crowned King? Sure Jesus was born. Sure we also celebrate His resurrection. But what about His soon return? What should we be found doing when this great and most grand reunion takes place? Consider the Gospel of Mark. Mark 14:8,9 to be precise. "She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial. I tell you the truth, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her." What does this have to do with our posture during these last days. EVERYTHING. And why have we not heard more about these two events being tied together? The Gospel and the anointing of Jesus by Mary( Lazarus and Martha's sister). I don't know. But it's being told now.
Wouldn't you agree that the meat of the Gospel is God sending his only begotten Son to pay the ransom for our sins? The Love of God. His humility. His servant hood poured out to all mankind so none would perish if they would but believe. God Almighty giving His very best to purchase the salvation of man. Oh His very own precious Son I tell you. Now consider Mary of Bethany. Did she not do the very same? She gave something which was probably one of her most prized possessions. All gathered there knew immediately that someone had broken open some very costly perfume indeed. And did you see her as she unbraided her hair. As she stooped at the Master's tired, dusty feet. Oh the humility of it all. To wash feet was a servants job after all. The best she had. Given in humility. LOVING. SERVING.
This is to be our posture dear ones. Agape. The God kind of love. Covenant love. Serving one another is the highest order of all things holy. Not considering our own desires but those of another, namely God and man. Was not this the very command Jesus gave His disciples immediately after washing their feet? In John 13:35,36 we read the following: " A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." WOW !! Did you see that? The world is watching us. Followers (imitators) of Christ should certainly be serving and loving one another. When people witness such a thing they are witnessing the very heart and soul of the Father in Christ Jesus. They will know that we are the disciples of Jesus. Now I am not talking about doing church work. Oh no, no, no. We are talking about the power of God's love flowing through a righteous man or woman. The power of compassion. The power of considering someone else above ourselves. Only true sons of God can exhibit such a trait. The world can spot a counterfeit.
So in closing we discover that throughout this long discourse (sorry about that) we find something very powerful but simple indeed. God's kind of Love. And as we soon find ourselves ( along with the rest of the world) in adverse circumstances Because the world is being judged around us, let us remember that those around us need God. They don't need someone else just like them. Someone selfish. Someone who is falling apart because their own little world is doing the same. NO ! They need to see the Glory of God. The miracle working, saving, loving power of Almighty God. And you know what? That power is going to flow through you and I. And I suspect it will be through those who are on their knees in prayer or on their knees serving someone other than themselves. Now that is super cool. In that manger was someone born to serve. Just like us.
God bless and check in tomorrow for the rest... of the rest of the story.
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